Blend science and human service with hands-on experiences in our allied health programs.

Achieve professional certifications with our accredited graduate programs.

Community Services from Allied and Public Health

Faculty and students in Allied and Public Health provide several healthcare services to members of the IUP community and surrounding areas. The services create a mutually beneficial opportunity for students to gain experiential learning and clients to benefit from easy and affordable access to healthcare.  

Institute for Rural Health and Safety

Nutrition Connection

Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic

Sports Performance Nutrition Services

Support IUP Allied and Public Health Students

When you make a gift in support of our department, you invest in the world's next generation of leaders. Scholarships and program support create the best possible student experience.

Support Our Students


IUP Highway Safety Project Sponsoring Car Seat Collection With IUP Public Health Interns

Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Indiana County Highway Safety Project and the IUP Public Health Program in the Department of Allied and Public Health are sponsoring a car seat “take back” on April 3 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at IUP’s Zink Hall parking lot. The event is designed to collect unsafe car seats.

Retired IUP Food and Nutrition Professor Establishes Scholarship

Rita Johnson, who retired from IUP in 2019 after 36 years of teaching, has established a scholarship for students studying food and nutrition at IUP.

IUP Holistic Health Club Hosting Rocky Bleier for “Overcoming Obstacles and Becoming Your Best Self” on Oct. 24

Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Holistic Health Club is hosting former Pittsburgh Steeler and Vietnam veteran Rocky Bleier for a program on October 24 at 7:00 p.m. in Jane Leonard Hall 126. The program, “Overcoming Obstacles and Becoming Your Best Self,” is free and open to the community.

IUP Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics Celebrating National Nutrition Month

The Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics (SAND) at Indiana University of Pennsylvania has organized a mac and cheese crockpot cook-off and a program with a Pittsburgh-based registered and licensed dietitian to celebrate National Nutrition Month in March.

Speech-Language Pathology May 30 Public Meeting

A public meeting for IUP's speech-language pathology master's degree program will be held on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. in 255 Stouffer Hall.