A student often wears many different hats: friend, roommate, classmate, partner, worker… the list can go on and on. How many hats are you wearing on a daily basis?

Seeking Balance: Balanced stack of rocksIt is important to remember that your academic-life balance is important. Not only to excel in your courses, but also in your relationships. It is important to find the right balance between your academic and social lives.

Here are some suggestions to help stay balanced (and less stressed):

  • Be realistic with your courses. Don't overfill your schedule just to finish your degree early.

  • Stay organized. Get a planner, make a to-do list, keep track of your assignments.

  • Moderate. IUP offers plenty of opportunities to be involved, and many students juggle a part-time job aside from their busy college schedules. Having a sense of moderation will help maintain your balance

  • Know when to say “No.” You can't do everything at once, and that is okay. Take the time to pause and check in with your emotions. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to do this?”

  • Get moving. Head over to the HUB and get some exercise. When you're moving your body, you are also moving your mind and de-stressing. Can't make it to the HUB? Take a nice walk outside. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to keep stress under control. It even increases blood flow and sends oxygen to the brain which results in better memory and concentration.

  • Did you eat yet? Maintaining a healthy diet not only keeps your body moving, but your mind as well. There are delicious options all throughout campus. If you are concerned about your eating, check in with the Nutrition Connection. It's a service on campus that helps with… you guessed it, nutrition!

  • Big stretch. Learn ways to relax your body through mediation or yoga. The Down Dog App is great (plus, since you're a student, it's free until July 1, 2021).

  • Ask for help. Check in with a friend or loved one. The IUP Counseling Center is here to help as well. Give us a call at 724-357-2621 or email counseling-center@iup.edu to schedule a time to talk. The important thing is to be able to recognize when you need help and are not afraid to talk.

  • Get some rest. Stress levels decrease when you get enough sleep. Try to stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.