It's not too late to be trained in Green Dot! Join the Haven Project to learn how to be an active bystander and make IUP a safer place for all.
The mission is to have fewer people hurt by power-based violence. This includes sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. You will be equipped with information about barriers to action and provided with realistic solutions.
Green Dot T-shirts will be provided for those who participate.
Stay Connected with Green Dot/Haven Project:
- Facebook: IUP Green Dot and IUP Haven Project
- Instagram: @iup_greendot and @iuphaven
- Twitter: @IUPGREENDot and @iuphaven
Sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking are difficult topics. Resources are available. You are not alone.
- The Alice Paul House* (24/7 hotline) - 724-349-4444
- The Haven Project- 724-357-3947
- IUP Counseling Center* - 724-357-2621
- University Police - 724-357-2141
- The Office of Student Support and Community Standards - 724-357-1264
- Title IX Coordinator - 724-357-3402
- LGBTQIA Support - 724-357-2598
*confidential resources