Take Back the Night 2024

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Haven Project invites the IUP and Indiana communities to Take Back the Night. Show your support for survivors of sexual assault.

Take Back the Night will Feature:

Opening event in the Oak Grove
6:00 p.m.

  • Members of the IUP and Indiana communities will gather and have the opportunity to chalk the walk with supportive messages, create a sign, view the Clothesline Project, visit tables with resources for support, grab a free T-shirt while supplies last, and listen to empowering guest speakers.  

March through campusimage of the Take Back the Night march in 2023
7:00 p.m.

  • Arrive by 6:45 p.m. for directions to line up. The march begins in the Oak Grove, proceeds through campus, and ends at the HUB. The route is ADA accessible and takes 15 minutes.

Survivor Support Reception and Speak-Out in the HUB Ohio Room
7:30 p.m.

  • Any student is welcome to share their story in this safe and judgment-free space. Counselors will be on hand to talk with anyone who needs support. 

Help us show those impacted by sexual violence that IUP is a unified community dedicated to ending sexual violence and supporting victims and survivors.

Follow Haven Project for all the latest information on this and other events:

Take Back the Night is meant to be an empowering event, but the difficult and sensitive subject matter can awaken or stir deep emotions.  Please utilize the following resources if you feel you need support.

*confidential resources