The faculty and resources in the Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning Department gave me a perfect set of knowledge and experience to dive into the ever-growing GIS job market. The department is small enough so that I was able to get the personal attention I needed and, at the same time, big enough to give me access to the latest technology and software. The department promotes collaboration with local government and business which allowed me to gather relevant experience and produced some good material for my resume. Although many interesting careers await anyone who is interested in geography, the program allowed me to concentrate on my particular field of interest in geography, GIS, and explore it to its fullest extent. Equally important, the faculty and staff at the department are extremely accessible, friendly, and helpful. I will never forget faculty v. student softball games, interesting trips, and the warm welcome I received when I first joined the department. Even when I graduated, the faculty was there to help me in my job search with useful advice and favorable references.

Today I work as a senior GIS Application Developer in a Denver,Colorado, office of a mid-size (seven hundredpeople) consulting company. I am working on many interesting projects that gave me the opportunity to travel all around the United States, including the East and West Coasts and Hawaii. My current career is challenging, exciting, and rewarding, and it started at the IUP Geography, Geology, Environment, and Planning Department.

Dominik Medved
MS (2001): Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Senior GIS Application Developer, Woolpert, LLP