- Ancient/Medieval Greece, Rome, Medieval, Byzantine, Classical Archaeology
- China/Japan East Asian history, twentieth-century China
- Europe Early Modern Europe, England, Russia, Scandinavia and East Baltic, France, environmental history, Italy, Germany
- Latin America
- Middle East
- U.S. Social and labor, public history, twentieth century, Colonial and Revolutionary America, U.S. thoughtand culture, American and British religion, U.S. foreign relations and S.E. Asian history, women, African-American, U.S. Constitution, Civil War and Reconstruction
Faculty Webpages
- Baumler, Alan East Asian history, twentieth-century China
- Botelho, Lynn Early Modern Europe, England
- Moore, Scott Greece, Rome, Byzantine, Medieval, and Classical Archaeology
- Ricketts, Elizabeth U.S. labor history, African-American women
- Wang Xi African-American, U.S. Constitution, Civil War and Reconstruction
- Whited, Tamara France, environmental history