Trying to decide if graduate school in history is right for you? This is an important decision since pursuing a graduate degree in history can be a time intensive and expensive commitment.
AHA Resources for History Graduate Students
AHA: Questions to Consider When Applying to Graduate School
With Their Eyes Wide Open: Guides to Graduate School and Beyond
Choosing the right graduate program for yourself is almost as important as the decision on whether or not to attend graduate school. The United States is home to more than 150 history PhD programs. Each program offers something unique, whether it's a specialized course of study, strength in a specific field, a professor who shares your research interests, or exclusive research facilities. Before making the decision to apply to a particular college or university, you should learn as much as possible about the history program.
History Doctoral Programs in the United States
College and University Rankings
Find the Best History Graduate Programs
Inscribing Your Future: The Trials and Tribulations of Applying to Graduate School