3:30 p.m.

Stabley 101

Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, K. McKee, D. Pistole, F. Slack, M. Taddie, T. Wacker, G. Wilson, C. Zoni

Excused: R. Rauch

  1. Approve minutes of 28 January 2010 meeting - Zoni/Wacker motion: Unanimous.
  2. Provisional, upon requested corrections, one time approval of ENGL 281 Tupac Shakur, Hero with an African Face as a liberal studies course and a Type III writing intensive course. On page 6 the grading rubric for the reflective essays and the writing workshops needs to be addressed. The one column says that they will not be graded while the column % of final grade states that they are each worth 25% of the course grade. Passed, Wilson/Zoni 9/0/0. If the course is turned in again for review we will ask that the syllabus follow the established guidelines for a syllabus of record.


  1. We discussed the template created by G. Wilson and how it will work with departmental checklists.
    1. We continued to discuss issues with new curriculum were discussed:
    2. LBST prefix for First Year Seminar.
    3. How many hours from a major can count for LS credit - 6 hours?
  2. How many categories can one LS course count for?

D. Pistole sent a series of website addresses associated with First Year Seminar.

Motion to adjourn: Zoni/McKee, Passed Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.