New awards for Composition and Applied Linguistics doctoral students enhance three aspects of the doctoral experience by providing support for the development of a professional C.V. and thus enhancing chances of quality employment, encouraging students to produce quality research projects, and providing identifiable disciplinary recognition of research. The awards offer:

  • Recognition of the Three Chapter stage of research
  • Recognition of research in disciplinary and interdisciplinary frameworks
  • Recognition of teaching
  • Recognition of researchers whose work is published and/or presented at professional conferences (beyond campus or the Composition and Applied Linguistics program) and student conferences)

The awards are given to students who are between a successful completion of the three chapter stage and final graduation. In addition, the work of teachers in our program is recognized. When possible, the awards are associated with a public presentation of the awarded research.

Awards at the Three Chapter Stage

Award 1: Promising Future Research in Composition Award
Award 2: Promising Future Research in Applied Linguistics Award
Award 3: Promising Future Interdisciplinary Research in Literacy Award

These awards are given to students who have successfully completed the Three Chapter stage of their doctoral work. One award in each category is given to one student each academic year. Once a student has successfully completed the Three Chapter defense, he or she may apply to one of the three categories. A student may submit an abstract for only one award. The category of the award is selected by the student when applying and not the evaluating committee. A committee of three Composition and Applied Linguistics faculty will consider the proposal in each category and provide a ranking of the abstracts. The abstract with the highest collective ranking in each category will receive the award. The awarded abstracts with student names will be publicly displayed in Leonard Hall and on the Web.

To Apply

To apply, submit a two- to three-page abstract (context, research aims and questions, method, and significance) of the research project to the Composition and Applied Linguistics director; include a cover sheet containing the name of the award category, full contact information, and dissertation committee members. Applications must be received by the Composition and Applied Linguistics director by April 1.

Awards at the Dissertation Completion Stage

Award 4: Innovative Researcher in Composition Award
Award 5: Innovative Researcher in TESOL Award
Award 6: Exemplary Interdisciplinary Research in Literacy Award

These awards are given to students once they have successfully defended their dissertation. One award in each category is given to one student each academic year. Once a student has successfully completed the defense of their dissertation, he or she may apply to one of the three categories A student may submit the abstract for only one award. The category of the award is selected by the student when applying and not the evaluating committee. A committee of three Composition and Applied Linguistics faculty will consider the proposal in each category and provide a ranking of the abstracts. The abstract with the highest collective ranking in each category will receive the award. Acceptance of the award involves the presentation of a professional lecture of approximately 25 minutes at a special ceremony that recognizes the achievement of the student researcher and is open to the entire campus.

To Apply

To apply, submit a two- to three-page abstract of the dissertation research (context, research aims and questions, method, findings, and significance) to the Composition and Applied Linguistics director. Include a cover sheet containing the title of the award category, full contact information, and dissertation committee members. Applications must be received by the Composition and Applied Linguistics director by April 1.

Awards for Exemplary Teaching of Literacy and Language

Award 7a: Exemplary Teaching of Literacy and Language Award
Award 7b: Exemplary Teaching of Literacy and Language Award

Two literacy and language teaching awards are awarded each year. The award is designed to provide recognition of quality teaching in the area of literacy and language teaching. The award is intended for students who are actively teaching in the Literature, Language, and Writing Department or ALI and who have been evaluated by the department evaluations committee. The faculty members in our program who are involved in the mentorship and evaluation of our teaching students will nominate and decide on two students whose teaching is worthy of recognition. The awards will then be announced publicly. There is no application. Faculty will make this award in the Spring or Summer.

Award for Professional Development

Award 8: The Professional Accomplishments in Research Award

M.A. and Ph.D. students are eligible for this award, which is presented to one student each year at any stage in the program. The award is intended for students who are actively publishing research in professional journals and presenting research at national and international conferences. A committee of three faculty members will rank the quality of the students' published work. The student with the highest ranking will receive the award. Acceptance of the award involves making a presentation at an awards ceremony, which can be the same ceremony as the one for the dissertation completion award. A sample of the student's work will be publicly displayed in Leonard Hall.

To Apply

For consideration for this award, students should present a complete vita and one copy of the publications that they wish to be recognized. Include a cover sheet containing the title of the award category and full contact information. Applications must be received by the Composition and Applied Linguistics director by April 1.