The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment provides official university data and statistics to internal and external constituencies.

We support all areas of the university to assist in making decisions which affect our students, faculty, administration, and the university while adhering to the university’s Strategic Plan.

Our office is responsible for providing official university information to state and federal agencies as well as locally.  We provide data to various surveys such as IPEDS, Princeton Review, and U.S. News and World Report. We work closely with many administrative offices to ensure we are collecting, reporting, and analyzing the most accurate data.

Internal Report Request Procedure

Before submitting a report request, please review the following to see if any of the data provided meets your needs.

Fall Bookmark: Provides overall enrollment as well as breakdowns by level, gender, ethnicity, college, etc. 

I-Reports: Academic college and department leadership have security access to more detailed college, department, program, and major-specific reports via the ireports system and specified network drives. If you are working on an accreditation report or in need of college and/or departmental information, we encourage you to contact your chairperson, as they may have access to what you need

If these areas do not meet your reporting needs, please follow the procedure below to submit your ihelp report request ticket. We ask that you submit your request at least seven to 10 days prior to needing the data to give us time to retrieve and review accurate information.

How to Submit a Ticket

  1. Log in to with your network credentials.
  2. Click Add on the top left-hand side.
  3. Type in your information as requested, including your contact phone number and reason for the request.
  4. Please include the following in your request:
    • What is the description and purpose of the report? Please provide as much detail as possible (example terms, academic year, detail information, aggregate, operational (live information), official information (frozen IR information), types of student (current students, completers, alumni, transfer, UG, GR, etc.).
    • For what reporting period are you requesting information?
    • Have you made this request before?
      • If yes, please attach previous report.
      • If no, will this be a repeat request?
    • What is the expected delivery date of this information?
  5. Click Submit.

Fall 2024 Enrollment

Download this year's Enrollment Bookmark

Download a printable 2024 Enrollment Bookmark showing the latest IUP enrollment figures.

Privacy and Data Protection

This training explains the steps we take to protect data.


National Survey of Student Engagement: Watch Your Inbox, March 8

Share your IUP experience in an upcoming survey, so the university can create an even better experience for future students.

New Procedure for Data Requests from Institutional Research

The Institutional Research office is now using ihelp to receive and track data requests. Specific instructions are available on their website.

2020 Fall Enrollment Bookmark

The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment has finalized the 2020 Fall Enrollment Bookmark, which shows the latest IUP enrollment figures.