The residency designplanned by the artist and host teachermust give students an in-depth experience in the artist's discipline, which includes a significant commitment from both the artist and coordinators involved on each day of the residency.
- The design should include time for the artist to create their own art work so that students and other visitors to the host site witness the artistic process of a professional artisan.
- Students are to have direct one-on-one interaction with the artist.
- The plan of the residency may focus on a connection of art in subjects such history, math, science, etc. or across arts disciplines, strengthening the use of the arts as a foundation for all education.
- Host site coordinators are key to the success of the residency being a full partner with the artist; and the host is always present, working as an equal partner with the artist.
- As much as possible, the residency should involve other students and teachers as well as parents, administrators, and community members in some activity related to the art discipline.
- The residency must be planned in a way that meets goals common to both the host coordinator and the artist.