Pennsylvania Needs More Health-care Workers
Pennsylvania has a large primary care physician shortage, as well as a shortage of allied health-care and behavioral health workers, particularly in rural areas.

anticipated growth in healthcare occupations, the fastest growing job segment, by 2031
estimated shortfall of nurses in Pennsylvania by 2026
of US healthcare providers are allied health-care professionals

Regional Planning and Health: Insights from Indiana County
In the January episode of the "Rural Health Pulse" podcast, Byron G. Stauffer, Jr., Executive Director of the Indiana County Center for Economic Operations, discussed the intersection of economic and workforce development with rural health in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Stauffer emphasized that robust economic development initiatives are crucial for enhancing healthcare access and outcomes in rural areas. By attracting businesses and fostering job creation, the county can improve residents' economic stability, which is closely linked to better health outcomes.
He highlighted ongoing projects aimed at improving infrastructure, supporting local businesses, and investing in education and training programs to build a skilled workforce. These efforts not only stimulate economic growth but also ensure that healthcare facilities are adequately staffed with qualified professionals, thereby directly impacting the quality of rural healthcare services. Stauffer's insights shed light on the vital role that economic and workforce development play in supporting and sustaining health systems in rural communities.
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Samantha Muir ’12, M’22
Director of Campaign Planning and Outreach