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Team Presents Research on Orphaned Wells
Students discussed their research on orphaned wells at the recent Appalachian Collegiate Research Initiative conference in Washington, DC. Learn more about their work to mitigate environmental and public health risks posed by the county’s abandoned wells.
Campus Bulletins
Federal Financial Aid Funds Direct to Students Unaffected by Recent White House Memorandum
We have received confirmation from the US Department of Education that direct-to-student federal funds—including direct student loans, Pell Grants, or other forms of Title IV financial assistance (including federal work study) distributed directly to individuals—are NOT impacted by action recommended in a recent memorandum from the White House Office of Management and Budget.
Media Releases
Top 25 Computer Science Programs Include IUP’s
IUP is one of only two Pennsylvania universities to make Cybersecurity Guide’s ranking of the top 25 computer science programs with a cybersecurity emphasis. Learn more.
Rural Health Pulse
A collaboration between Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and Indiana Regional Medical Center (IRMC) on the topic of rural health care, focusing on issues and stories impacting the health of the region and programs and initiatives designed to improve healthcare and wellness.
Bridging the Gap: Mental Health Challenges in Rural Communities
Explore the mental- and behavioral-health challenges that rural communities face. Tammy Calderone, administrator for the Armstrong-Indiana Behavioral and Developmental Health Program, discusses the growing demand for services, barriers to accessing care, and collaborative efforts to address these critical needs.
IUP Magazine
Bulletin Board
Lose your dog or cat? Trying to sell your house or tickets to a performance? IUP faculty and staff members can post these types of notices on the Bulletin Board.