Offer Support and Provide Advocacy in Cases of Interpersonal Violence
Child and Adult Advocacy Studies (CAAST) is an 18-credit interdisciplinary minor that helps students to support others.
CAAST provides mandated reporters and first responders who work in criminology, education, family studies, medicine, nursing, psychology, public health, sociology, social work, and other disciplines with evidence-based, culturally relevant knowledge and skills to improve outcomes for victims and perpetrators of interpersonal violence across the lifespan.
Imagine Your Future
The CAAST minor prepares students for a variety of professions that deal with cases of interpersonal violence. In these professions, they may be mandated reporters, first responders, or human services professionals. Students learn how to work collaboratively with other professionals to ensure that victims of violence have their cases thoroughly investigated. Students also learn the most effective intervention strategies to remedy trauma and to work effectively with members of other disciplines involved with their clients.
Classes and Requirements
A student’s major determines which CAAST minor the student pursues. Each of the CAAST minors covers different content; however, they all give a comprehensive understanding of the role many forms of violence have in dysfunctional behavior. The minors also build skills of value to mandated reporters and first responders, skills in multidisciplinary collaboration, and skills in how to be an advocate at the personal, social, and political level in support of violence prevention.
Full Academic Catalog Listing for Minor
The course catalog is the official reference for all our degree and course offerings. Check it out for a full listing of the classes available and requirements for this degree.