Students mapping lava flow


The new Cejka Planetarium in Kopchick Hall is a digital planetarium 35 feet in diameter. It is used extensively for educational outreach as well as in undergraduate instruction, both for introductory astronomy courses and in classes for Earth and Space Science teaching majors.

Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Statement on Race and Diversity

The Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Department is committed to combating racism through fostering inclusive and welcoming spaces for diverse students, and fostering student learning outcomes that expand the understanding of race: particularly, that race is not a biological reality, but that race and racism are cultural and social constructs that intersect with social class and other forms of social positionality to produce harm for people of color in our society and globally.

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When you make a gift in support of our department, you invest in the world's next generation of leaders. Scholarships and program support create the best possible student experience.


Taylor Publishes on Nature of Faunal Turnover, Change in Ocean Chemistry Associated with Latest Cambrian Mass Extinction

Professor Emeritus John Taylor and colleagues published a new study based on faunal collections from a 50-meter interval of the Jones Ridge Limestone in easternmost Alaska. The study provided new, detailed faunal range data across the base of the North American Ibexian Series and geochemical data that confirm an associated shift in ocean chemistry.

Professor Emeritus Taylor Publishes New Insights Into Fossil Record from Northern Laurentia

Professor Emeritus John Taylor published a new study on the taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of Lotagnostus (Agnostida: Agnostidae) and associated trilobites and conodonts with IUP alumni James D. Loch ’83 and John E. Repetski ’69.

Flores Honored as National Hispanic Institute’s College Student of the Year

The National Hispanic Institute has recognized IUP student Marisol Gonzalez Flores as one of its College Students of the Year 2024.