Students mapping lava flow


The new Cejka Planetarium in Kopchick Hall is a digital planetarium 35 feet in diameter. It is used extensively for educational outreach as well as in undergraduate instruction, both for introductory astronomy courses and in classes for Earth and Space Science teaching majors.

Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Statement on Race and Diversity

The Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Department is committed to combating racism through fostering inclusive and welcoming spaces for diverse students, and fostering student learning outcomes that expand the understanding of race: particularly, that race is not a biological reality, but that race and racism are cultural and social constructs that intersect with social class and other forms of social positionality to produce harm for people of color in our society and globally.

Support Our Students

When you make a gift in support of our department, you invest in the world's next generation of leaders. Scholarships and program support create the best possible student experience.


Free “Back to Venus” Planetarium Show, March 6

Ken Coles will present “Back to Venus” at the Cejka Planetarium. Come explore Venus!

Cejka Planetarium Announces Spring 2025 Schedule

IUP's Cejka Planetarium has announced the Spring 2025 schedule.

Coles Presents AGES Seminar: “A Paleozoic Jackpot in Nevada”

Ken Coles will present a seminar, “A Paleozoic Jackpot in Nevada: Starved Deposition Can Feed Us a Lot of Information,” at the Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences Department Seminar Series on Friday, February 14, in Kopchick 102 from 11:15 to 12:15.

AGES Students Named Provost Scholars

The Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences congratulates our students named as Provost Scholars. To be named a Provost Scholar, students must have earned a minimum of 45 semester hours at IUP with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Provost Scholar recognition is given only once during a student’s time of study at IUP.