Indiana University of Pennsylvania will present its weekly picnics in the Oak Grove on Wednesdays from June 3 through August 5, 2009.
The picnics are open to the community and will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., weather permitting. Cancellations because of inclement weather will be announced on local radio stations and posted on the IUP website.
Picnickers may bring a lunch or purchase one from the Aramark food carts.
The 2008 picnic season includes a celebration of Aramark's twenty-fifth anniversary at IUP on June 17. To mark the anniversary, Aramark officials are rolling back the cost of the food items to 1984 prices.
Members of the Footlight Players theater-for-youth program will perform for Children's Day on July 1, and special events will be offered for children in attendance on that date, including a puppet-making workshop starting at 11:30 a.m.
The picnic schedule includes the following music:
- June 3: Fifties
- June 10: Contemporary
- June 17: Eighties
- June 24: Sixties
- July 8: Contemporary
- July 15: Seventies (disco)
- July 22: Contemporary
- July 29: Eighties
- August 5: Contemporary
Special guests include St. Thomas More University Parish on July 8 and the United Way of Indiana County on Aug. 5.