By Bob Fulton for IUP Magazine

“Title IX was the springboard into greater possibilities for women and promoted the growth of women’s sports.”Ruth Podbielski, former associate director of athletics for women
As women at IUP achieved unprecedented athletic success and brought their school national recognition at the dawn of the 21st century, Ruth Podbielski could only shake her head in wonder. Reaching such lofty heights seemed unimaginable in the days before Title IX.
In an IUP Magazine article published in 2000, Podbielski recalled an era when female athletes were not celebrated or appreciated or even respected, often subjected to indignities such as getting chased from gyms by male coaches. Now here she was watching women hoist conference, regional, even national championship trophies.
IUP Women National Champions
1988 Gymnastics
1989 Gymnastics
1986 Tammy Donnelly (Track and Field)
1988 Michelle Goodwin (Gymnastics)
1989 Michelle Goodwin, Rose Johnson (Gymnastics)
1990 Dina Margolin (Gymnastics)
2001 Amber Plowden (Track and Field)
2012 Jackie Hynson (Swimming)
2021 Paige Mikesell (Swimming)

When Ruth Podbielski joined the faculty in 1955, intramurals were one of the few athletic outlets for women. (IUP Archives)
“When you see where it came from and where it is now, it’s mind-boggling,” said Podbielski, who died in 2017 at the age of 90. “It’s almost like a miracle.”
The only athletic outlets for women when Podbielski joined the Health and Physical Education faculty in 1955 were intramurals and so-called Play Days—informal, periodic get-togethers that provided off-campus competition. She would pack lunches, act as a chauffeur for her charges, and even launder “uniforms”—tan and brown gym class togs—at the end of the day.
Podbielski was appointed associate director of athletics for women when the university established a varsity program in 1970. She managed a strictly no-frills operation, allotted a budget of $3,700 to cover four teams: basketball, volleyball, tennis, and fencing. To supplement such meager funding, athletes sold baked goods, pencils, notepads, pompoms—anything that might bring in a few extra dollars.
But a seismic shift would soon occur. In 1972, President Nixon signed the Education Amendments Act, meant to address gender inequities in education. Tucked inside the legislation was Title IX, a 37-word provision that applied to sports programs.
It was, in retrospect, a watershed moment. Doors swung open for athletes long denied equal access, and participation in sports by women surged accordingly.
“Title IX was the springboard into greater possibilities for women and promoted the growth of women’s sports,” Podbielski said. “A lot of schools added to their programs. The nice part about it is we were given opportunities for better coaching, better budgets, and better training.”
The impact of that transformational piece of legislation continues to resonate on campuses across the land. IUP women, once limited to intramurals and Play Days, now compete—and excel—on the national stage. The gymnastics team, which regularly humbled Division I opponents, reigned as Division II national champions in 1988 and 1989. The field hockey team advanced to the NCAA semifinals three times in a four-year span earlier this century, the basketball squad reached the Final Four in 2018 and 2019, and the tennis team advanced to the NCAA quarterfinals in 2021.
What’s more, individual national champions have been crowned in gymnastics (Michelle Goodwin in 1988 and 1989, Rose Johnson in 1989, and Dina Margolin in 1990), track (Tammy Donnelly in 1986 and Amber Plowden in 2001), and swimming (Jackie Hynson in 2012 and Paige Mikesell in 2021).
Such achievements would have seemed unimaginable in the early days of a women’s program Podbielski essentially built from scratch. But titles in the post-Title IX era are no longer out of the reach of female athletes at IUP.
And that kind of progress, as Podbielski put it so many years ago, is almost like a miracle.