Michael T. Williamson
What's a book that means a lot to you?
I have always loved to read. Sharing that love of reading has been the main purpose of my life at IUP. When it comes to reading, though, content matters. Compelling and gripping science fiction enables us to talk about what is going on in our imaginations, our memories, our hearts, and our worlds. We think, we feel, we imagine, and we transport ourselves into new worlds, both outside and inside our heads, when we read science fiction. We find commonalities and room to discuss our differences. I recommend this book of over 1,200 pages, with stories from over 25 countries (and only about $25), to you all. Judging from the conversations we have had together and with our families and friends, many students will heartily second that recommendation.
Michael T. Williamson, who earned his PhD from Rutgers University, focuses his academic work on poetry, global literature, literary history and theory, Jewish literature and theory, travel writing, composition theory, Bible and literature, and the short story.

The Big Book of Science Fiction
Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
Vintage, 2016
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