The Picnics in the Oak Grove Committee is hard at work planning IUP's 25th annual summer of community gatherings. Picnics will be held, weather permitting, on three Wednesdays this year—June 18, July 9, and July 23—and on one Friday, August 22.

In keeping with the spirit of this community event, all employees who are on a pre-set lunch break (other than noon) who plan to attend the picnics may change their lunch break to noon. Employees on a half-hour lunch break who'd like to stay the full hour may use their morning and afternoon breaks on the picnic days to allow for an hour in the Oak Grove.

Aramark food stations will be available to purchase lunch with a fixed price of $6.50 per plate, based on one trip through the buffet line using one dinner plate.

In the event of inclement weather, picnic cancellations will be posted on the IUP website and on the Picnics in the Grove site. Please check these sites on Wednesday mornings if the weather is questionable.

Every picnic day has been designated as a “Crimson IUP Spirit Day,” so please consider wearing IUP apparel to show your IUP pride.

To welcome community visitors, there will be no parking enforcement for meters or pay-by-space on picnic days from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Come join the fun, enjoy the delicious food, and visit with your coworkers!

Office of the President