Welcome back to a new semester. I hope your break was restful and enjoyable, and you are ready for a productive and successful semester.

Unfortunately, we will be beginning the semester in less-than-ideal weather.

The National Weather Service has forecasted a cold weather advisory for most of western Pennsylvania, including Indiana, Allegheny, Armstrong and Jefferson counties, from 1:00 a.m. Monday, January 20, through 1:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 22.

Classes and events at all university campuses and locations are proceeding as scheduled.

Should a decision be made affecting classes or events, notifications will be made via email through Everbridge (IUP’s emergency communication system) and posted on the IUP website.

If you are traveling by vehicle to and from classes and work during this time and during any period of inclement weather, please use caution and be prepared in the case of an emergency.

We know that many of you need to be outdoors to attend classes, events, and work. Your safety and security is our priority; please work with your professor or supervisor if you have concerns and follow common-sense measures, including wearing layers of warm clothing and limiting time outdoors. Please watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. As always, should you have a medical emergency or see someone in distress, call 9-1-1.

If you have health concerns related to weather conditions, please talk with your health care provider or with IUP Health Service staff in the Suites on Maple East; you can reach them by email at health-inquiry@iup.edu or by calling 724-357-2550.

Stay warm, stay focused on success, and take care of yourself and others.

Dr. Tom Segar
Vice President for Student Affairs