Whether you're a small businessjust gettingstarted or an established business looking to expand, IUP has services to assist you.
The IUP Applied Research Lab (ARL) provides statistical assistance to IUP students, faculty, and staff.
Archaeological ServicesWhy archaeology? Archaeological sites are the reservoir of more than 15,000 years of Pennsylvania history, from the first Paleo Indians at the end of the Ice Age to the European settlers who carved their farms and lives into Pennsylvania’s woods.
PA OSHA Consultation ProgramAssistance for private-sector employers in the commonwealth in understanding and voluntarily complying with applicable safety/health regulations enforced by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The Small Business Development Center at Indiana University of Pennsylvania seeks to grow the economy of Indiana County and the surrounding region by providing entrepreneurs with the education, information, and tools necessary to build successful businesses.
Center for Family BusinessThe IUP Center for Family Business provides professional presentations and the opportunity for roundtable discussion on relevant topics with your peers in informal, facilitated groups.