Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee

Minutes of September 21, 2011

  • In Attendance: Angel, Asamoah, Balint, Blood, Branthoover, Brzycki, Cunningham, Ezekiel, Fortushniak, Hyde, Lowery, P. McDevitt, T. McDevitt, McElroy, Mocek, O'Neil, Onyett, Pagnucci, Papakie, Powers, Scandrett, Sherwood, J.B. Smith, VanWieren, Yost.
  • Excused: Giever, Lenze, Powers, Yuhas, Zimmerman.
  • Absent: Gruber, Kemp, Nelson.
  • Guests: Ali, Anspacher, Defelice.

Proceedings of the Meeting

  • Approval of Minutes
    • April 20, 2011 Meeting - The April 20, 2011 minutes were approved unanimously after it was agreed that the project prioritization be attached to the April 20 minutes after Cunningham sends it to us (M/S Brzycki/Mocek).
  • Co-Chairs' Report
    • Financial Report - The ACPAC balance is currently 12,804.92
    • Announcements - There will not be a meeting in December 2011, since that meeting would be after the end of the fall semester, and the January 2012 meeting will be held on January 25, 2012 instead of January 18 (the normal 3rd Wednesday of that month) because the start of the spring 2012 semester is January 23, 2012.
    • Membership - We haven't heard from the College of Fine Arts or from Student Government regarding who their representatives will be for this year.
  • Standing Reports:
    • CIO Office (Balint)
      • Semester Start-up Review - The next Provost newsletter (middle of October) will have statistical information re ITS beginning of the semester statistics. Each week this semester we set new computer usage records (over 4300 calls between Aug. 2 and Sept. 12). As of the start of calendar year 2010, ITS (including the colleges) has 8.5 fewer employees than in the previous year. Requests for assistance are being covered to the best and most effective ways of the staff's abilities. With the implementation of ihelp (call logging), all end users should be logging their own problem calls, freeing up the staff to focus on the logged calls. With the shortage of staff and student workers it is extremely important that the end user (faculty, staff and students) log their own calls into ihelp. Faculty and staff need to be aware of the definition of "emergency" when logging calls. Faculty should still report emergency situations ( such as projector problems in classrooms) directly to their CTM for faster service.
      • Status of D2L/Moodle - Legacy Moodle users who used Moodle in production before summer 2011 should be able to continue to use Moodle indefinitely - there has been no determined cutoff date. D2L has delivered a migration utility to IUP for 30 day testing (there will be an update at the October or November meeting). Hyde reported that a lot of faculty are frustrated with both Moodle and D2L and are finding other options on their own rather than use either of them. PASSHE signed a five year contract with D2L in January 2010, Steven Anspacher said that he feels that the state won't be changing to another program at the end of the five year contract. Sherwood questioned the status of Moodle upgrades, and Balint replied that support would be continued as updates become available. Lowery asked if D2L will support portfolios, and Balint indicated that the e-portfolio module is an extra, and has not been purchased as part of the PASSHE contract.
      • Update on D-Space/Duraspace - 5013C has administration of Duraspace. The new version of D-Space is up to date. D-Space and Fadora Commons will eventually merge. Onyett requested Balint write up a report on the project for the next ACPAC meeting.
      • Update on Prioritized Academic Affairs and Council of Deans IT Projects - Balint will have a full report for the October ACPAC meeting.
      • Guest Wireless - It is in the procurement process.
    • Student Computing Subcommittee (P. McDevitt)
      • No report.
    • Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Sherwood)
      • No report. Sherwood volunteered to chair the subcommittee this year.
    • Student Operations Group (Blood)
      • No report. Blood volunteered to chair the subcommittee and J.B. Smith and P. McDevitt volunteered to be members.
    • Virtual Environments Coordinating Committee (Lenze)
      • No report.
    • On-Line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
      • There is a problem with session timeouts and there is a request that the session length be increased. Cunningham stated the session time currently is to 60 minutes. This is also a known problem in the public labs. Chris Bennett is working to find a solution to this problem.
      • There is a problem with PowerPoint links to Moodle.
      • Streaming server - no access to instructional design for download when designing new courses. Cunningham will look into access to the streaming server for assistance to faculty. Cunningham will talk to Chris Bennett and get back to Brzycki.
      • ihelp emergency calls - example projector down in classroom with class in session. Calls should go directly to CTM's for those colleges that have them. The CTM's need to make sure their faculty know the chain of command when it comes to reporting problems, and understand what problems go to whom. The email about ihelp may have caused confusion for faculty and it was recommended that the email be sent again with a more clear explanation of the procedures.
      • Orientation for students new to Online Learning - It is recommended that the training be done at least one week before classes start for both Moodle and D2L.
    • DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)
      • Tools for recording presentations for distance learning - The work group would like to do a survey of faculty regarding needs and tools required for recording presentations. It was suggested that this survey could be combined with other surveys ACPAC committees would like to conduct, to make one comprehensive survey rather than many. Sherwood suggested that survey be limited to technology issues.
    • Branch Campuses (O'Neil)
      • No report.
  • Reports from the Action Teams:
    • Training/Professional Development Team (Pagnucci/J.B. Smith)
      • No report.
    • Optical Test Scoring (McElroy)
      • McElroy showed the various reports that are available with the new system. Faculty can still participate in scoring evaluations (let McElroy know if interested).
    • Student Pictures Action Team (J.B. Smith)
      • The pilot test of the system is going on this fall semester and it appears to be working well. (M/S O'Neill/Pagnucci) Recommend to the Provost that the pilot program for student pictures be made permanent. The motion passed with Asamoah abstaining, stating that he felt it will become permanent by common law, and doesn't need a motion to do so.
    • Digital Repository Team
      • No report. This team needs a chair.
  • New Business:
    • Student Wired Network Access (Sherwood/Cunningham) - Sherwood would like student bringing their personal laptops into instructional areas be permitted to access the wired Ethernet ports available in labs. Cunningham expressed that this is a network security issue (students may have infected computers). Cunningham will check out the possibilities and cost of using RESNET for this issue and will report back at the October or November ACPAC meeting.
  • Old Business:
    • None.
  • Other Business:
    • None.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM.

Future Meeting Dates: (all meetings starting at 3pm in Stouffer 138)

  • October 19, 2011
  • November 16, 2011
  • January 25, 2012
  • February 15, 2012
  • March 21, 2012
  • April 18, 2012

Suggested Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee of Indiana University of Pennsylvania

III. Officers and Duties

  • The officers of ACPAC shall be the Elected Faculty Co-chair and the Administrative Co-chair. The Elected Co-chair shall be a faculty representative to ACPAC and shall be installed at the end of the final meeting of the academic year and shall serve until the final meeting of the following year. The term of office is one year with re-election possible, but for no more than two consecutive terms. The Faculty Co-chair shall be a faculty representative to ACPAC and shall be installed at the end of the final meeting of the academic year and shall serve for a term of two years. After one term, the Faculty Co-chair may be elected to serve one additional two-year term. A Faculty Co-chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The ACPAC Administrative co-chair shall be an Assistant Dean of Technology of a College Technology Manager nominated by the Chief Information Officer and ratified by a majority vote of ACPAC members. The administrative co-chair shall serve for a term of two years, and this term can be repeated if he/she is nominated and ratified as above.
  • Duties of Elected Faculty Co-chair:
    • Set the meeting agenda.
    • Appoint committees and action teams when needed.
    • Appoint ACPAC representatives to other committees.
    • Communicate ACPAC actions to appropriate university constituents.
  • Duties of Administrative Co-chair:
    • Record the minutes of each meeting.
    • Maintain the ACPAC website.
    • Assist in preparing the meeting agenda.
    • Following ACPAC guidelines, manage monetary funds that have been allocated to support academic technology and provide a report at each meeting.

V. Elections

  • A nominating committee shall be formed to produce a slate of candidates from the faculty representatives for the position of the Elected Faculty Co-chair and shall be presented at the last meeting of the year.
  • A paper ballot vote shall be conducted at the last meeting of the year with the winner selected by a majority vote of ACPAC members present.

VI. Amendments and Bylaws

  • Proposed amendments must be distributed at least one month prior to the scheduled vote.
  • Approval requires a two-thirds majority of the membership, which may be accomplished in person at a meeting, electronically, or by paper ballot.