Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee

Minutes of October 17, 2012

  • In Attendance:Ali, Angel, Asamoah, Balint, Blood, Brzycki, Cunningham, Ford, Fortushniak, Giever, Lenze, T. McDevitt, McElroy, Moore, Onyett, Pagnucci, Powers, Rodgers, Schwartz, Sherwood, VanWieren, Yost, Yuhas.
  • Excused: Ezekiel, Lowery, P. McDevitt, Mocek, O'Neil, J.B. Smith.
  • Guests:none.

Proceedings of the Meeting

  • Approval of Minutes
    • The September 19, 2012 minutes were approved unanimously (m/s Brzycki/Blood). Onyett announced that if you have minutes from standing committee or action team meetings, please send digital copies of the minutes to either McElroy or Onyett so they can be included with the minutes on our website.
  • Co-Chairs' Report
    • Financial Report - The ACPAC balance is $6,825.92.
    • Announcements -
      • New member: Micehelle Papakie will be replaced by Dr. Scott Moore from History to represent the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
      • Because of holidays and breaks, the meeting scheduled for November will be November 28 and the March meeting will be March 27, 2013.
      • It was also announced that Stephen Anspacher died on August 26, 2012 in Pittsburgh following a brief illness.

Standing Reports

  • CIO office (Balint)
    • Mobile Apps Update - The new Mobile App 1.0 is scheduled to be available spring '13. The Mobile App will eventually impact all of the IUP community.
    • Project Ranking (Cunningham) - Cunningham distributed an updated project list with the completed projects removed and 5 new unranked projects listed to be ranked by ACPAC. The prioritized list will then go to Academic Affairs Council for their final approval. The graduate curriculum committee has a system in place where you can check on your proposals and where the committee is with your proposal. Balint asked if ACPAC would like to request that something similar for undergraduate curriculum be developed? Theresa McDevitt, a member of the IUP curriculum committee, reported that all information has been scanned and is now on the undergraduate curriculum committee website. Lenze discussed the curriculum process and explained how the committees (undergrad and grad) work. It was recommended by several ACPAC members that the Collaboration System and the Curriculum Development System be folded into one project on the listing, and Cunningham said he would merge them.
    • After the ACPAC members voted, the final ranking recommendations are (m/s Pagnucci/Giever):
      • 1.Emerging Technology Mobile Learning Initiative
      • 2.Moodle Community Service
      • 3.Obtain E-Mail Lists/Email list creation for students on probation
      • 4.Research offering a streaming service similar to YouTube
    • The project ranking recommendations will now be passed to the Academic Affairs Council meeting in November for their approval.
    • Moodle/D2L update - The migration service is underway and it will take approximately 120 hours for conversion to Moodle 2.3. Faculty will need to attend a conversion clinic to assist with their upgrade. If faculty are currently using Moodle and do not convert to 2.3, at the end of summer 2013 they will no longer be able to use Moodle. There is no guarantee that there will be a migration system to provide movement from Moodle 2.3 to another platform in the future. Giever said that he feels that IUP IT Services should position IUP to become the Moodle supporter for the PASSHE System for the future.
    • Luminis Portal - We hopefully have a brief presentation from Eric Barker by the end of the fall semester. The system should be live approximately April 2013. The target will be for entering students for fall 2013. Other students will be able to use it starting in fall 2013.
    • DegreeWorks Web Advising - The soft launch is complete and the system is in production. DegreeWorks is a web based program so there is no bulk printing feature in the system.
  • On-Line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
    • The subcommittee recommends that settings and defaults in D2L be reviewed twice a year. Any problems should be logged in the ihelp system. The Technology Needs Assessment Action Team needs more help, so please let Brzycki know if you are willing to be on this action team.
  • Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Sherwood)
    • The Two main areas that are being currently explored by the subcommittee are: (1) mobile learning project and (2) assessment of blogging. Hopefully the subcommittee will have results regarding mobile learning for the November ACPAC meeting.
  • Student Operations Subcommittee (Blood)
    • DegreeWorks - The "what if" option should be available within a week. The "substitution" feature will be the next feature to be implemented. Winter registration and undergraduate spring registration have begun. Summer scheduling may begin by the end of this fall semester.

Action Team Reports

  • Mobile Applications Action Team (Powers)
    • Work continues on the project and there will be a demonstration at the December Trustee's meeting.
  • Collaboration System Action Team (T. McDevitt)
    • The action team has met numerous times over the past few months. Theresa McDevitt will contact the undergraduate and graduate curriculum committees for representatives to be on the action team.

New Business

  • None

Old Business

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 4:29 pm. The next ACPAC meeting will be November 28, 2012.