Contact info:
Office Hours:
PhD Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA; Sept 2008
MS Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA; Aug 2005
BS Pennsylvania State University, State College PA; Dec 2002
Plant Physiological Ecology and Disturbance Ecology
Select Courses
Plant Biology (BIOL 210) - Offered Fall only
Forest Restoration Ecology (BIOL 404/604) - Offered Spring, even years
Identification of Trees and Shrubs (BIOL 471/571) - Offered Fall, odd years
Professional Interests
My interests focus on how disturbance influences plant metabolism and forest ecosystem health.
Current projects:
- Survival and competitiveness of blight-resistant American chestnut backcrosses on reclaimed surface mines,
- Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid infestation on ecosystem C cycling in late successional eastern hemlock forests,
- Effects of extreme drought on southern pine water relations and carbon metabolism.