AMES logo Welcome to the Alumni Mentors Empowering Students (AMES) program.

The mission of the AMES program is to foster professional development and career guidance for STEM students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, providing opportunities through alumni mentorship and engagement.

Current Students

Expand your opportunities and understanding of your major! Whether your goal is to learn more about careers in your field or how best to select and apply to graduate schools, our alumni network can help. The AMES program is perfectly designed to help you understand, prepare (and stand out), and transition into your new career. Our alumni have been where you are now. How did they best prepare for your required standardized exam? How did they navigate graduate school applications? What is their daily schedule like? What did they wish they had known earlier?

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are invited to joinAlumni and students will need to sign up for the Crimson Network. The Crimson Network is a networking site exclusive to the IUP community. Users can connect with various alumni, find or mentor students, as well as find and apply to jobs. To join the AMES program, please create a profile on the Crimson Network and join our group: Alumni Mentors Empowering Students (AMES).

Viewpoint of a Student Participant, Fall 2018

"When I originally signed up I didn't expect much from the program, but I was very wrong. My mentor and I email weekly and Skype regularly. {S}he has helped me so much while I have been trying to apply to graduate schools and {s}he really goes above and beyond my expectations. Because of everything {s}he has done for me, I feel I have a better understanding of grad schools, where I want to go, and my chances of getting in."

What are current students looking for in AMES?

"I would hope to get to talk to a mentor about what a typical looks like for them as well as what they did as an undergraduate to get them to where they are today. I feel that I could really benefit from having someone voice their opinion and give input on what I should being doing as a sophomore in order to make me stand out on a graduate school application! Hopefully my mentor could talk to me about how they prepared or tips for entrance exams such as the PCAT."

Participant, Fall 2019

"Sometimes the structure a mentor can provide is more helpful than the affirming words a friend or parent can provide. It is nice to talk and ask someone questions who understands the same obstacles in the pathway. Ultimately, I hope to gain a professional relationship with someone who has gone before me and is willing to talk, listen, and answer questions."

Participant, Fall 2019


Looking for a way to reconnect, give back to IUP, and make a difference?  The Madia Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics invites you to be a mentor to current students who are seeking career guidance. STEM fields offer a wide variety of career options, and hearing your experiences and gaining access to professional networks can help our students in their decision-making process. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with alumni, keep in touch with current college events, and, most importantly, help the next generation of STEM professionals succeed. Participation is easy, and there are several ways you can help. You can choose to be a mentor, participate in virtual campus events, or help with sponsorship. All majors are welcome to participate! Please fill out the application below to get started. Thank you for your time and support.

Alumni interested in becoming an alumni mentor are invited to apply.

Viewpoint of a Current Alumni Mentor

"After going through graduate school, I wish I had realized opportunities other thanthe academia side of career choices. Itcan be frustrating if you don't see your career going in the direction of graduate school, but you don't know how to navigate otherwise. It's great that this program is gathering alumni from a variety of areas to help students realize their options and see examples of career pathways."

Looking for other ways to be involved? There are additional opportunities for you to serve as a volunteer member of our program development committee. If you would like to learn more about the committee or other volunteer opportunities related to this program, please contact Lindsay Matolyak, the program coordinator, at This program is not limited to chemistry/biochemistry alumni and is open to all STEM majors.