Become a Teacher/Scholar in the Field of Criminology
The sixth oldest doctoral program in criminology and criminal justice in the nation, the PhD in Criminology at IUP has already graduated more than a hundred PhDs. Graduates are either teaching at other universities or colleges or are applying their expertise at respected research institutes and agencies at the state and federal levels.
What distinguishes the IUP program is its central purpose of preparing students for academic careers through a balanced and integrated approach to the study of research, theory, justice systems, and educational issues. Unlike most programs that focus narrowly on training researchers, you will be provided instruction in all aspects of scholarship, especially the link between research, scholarship, and teaching. You will become what the late Ernest L. Boyer of the Carnegie Foundation called the "new generation of scholars" or "teacher/scholars."
PhD in Criminology
As a student in the program you will:
- Develop the knowledge and skills to balance the research, teaching, and service commitments you will encounter in your professional career.
- Apply theories of criminology and criminal justice as well as ethical and philosophical issues to your teaching and research.
- Master qualitative and quantitative strategies and methods in developing your skills as a researcher.
- Become knowledgeable in criminal justice policy.
- Take full advantage of the possibility of teaching associate positions to hone your teaching skills in a university setting.
The main requirements for the program are:
- Completing 42 credits of coursework (some students can transfer in coursework from their MA programs)
- Qualifying exams
- Skill and specialization requirement (if needed)
- Your dissertation
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate assistantships at IUP are selectively awarded to highly qualified master and doctoral graduate students. Twenty-hour and 10-hour assistantships are available and are paid a stipend, currently up to $25,000 per year, including full or partial tuition waivers.
Teaching Associates
After you've completed the necessary coursework and qualifying exams, you have the opportunity to apply to become a teaching associate. Experience as a teaching associate is meant to prepare for a career in higher education, because teaching is the major professional activity for most academics. Our program provides for a mentoring process of our teaching associates, better preparing them for the classroom.