Zink Hall, Room 239
1190 Maple Street
Indiana, PA 15705
Email: dlorenzi@iup.edu
About Professor Lorenzi
David G. Lorenzi, assistant professor, has been a faculty member at IUP since his appointment in fall 2003. Lorenzi's research areas at IUP include physical activity, aquatics, sport, and physical education for individuals with disabilities.
Courses regularly taught by Lorenzi include HPED 209 Motor Behavior, HPED 344 Adapted Physical Activity and Sport, and HPED 370 Adapted Health and Physical Education. At the graduate level, Lorenzi regularly teaches HPED 631 Motor Learning and HPED 670 Advanced Seminar in Adapted Physical Education.
Lorenzi is a certified adapted physical educator, a master teacher of adapted aquatics, maintains current Pennsylvania teacher certification in health and physical education, and is a member of numerous professional organizations. Recent involvement in professional organizations include past chair of the Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (PSAHPERD) Adapted Physical Activities Committee, current chair of the Eastern District Association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Adapted Physical Education Committee, and current chair of the Adapted Aquatics Committee of the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation.
Recent awards and recognition have included the Young Alumni Award from Slippery Rock University (2008), the PSAHPERD University Level Physical Education Teacher of the Year (2010), the PSAHPERD Adapted Physical Activities Professional Recognition Award (2011), the EDA Honor Award (2011), and the AAPAR Council for Aquatics Professionals National Service Award (2011).
Lorenzi completed his undergraduate degree at Slippery Rock University in the areas of health and physical education, completing certification areas in adapted physical education and sport management. His master's degree was completed at the University of Georgia in adapted physical education, and his doctoral degree was completed at West Virginia University in physical education teacher education with a cognate area in special education. Prior to his appointment at IUP, Lorenzi was a faculty member at West Liberty State College and taught in both public and private school settings in Georgia and Virginia.