IUP possesses several unique areas of faculty expertise, research interests, and academic curriculum that can support research partnerships, collaborative projects, and educational outreach in traditional and alternative energy sectors. Interdisciplinary teams of faculty members spearhead the university's energy initiatives in research, resource development, and education/outreach.

Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences

Energy Capabilities

Cultural resource investigations, ethnographic studies, community education, and outreach

Energy Research Capabilities

Spatial environmental analysis, geographic information systems/cartography, underground mine mapping research, wind-energy placement planning, transportation, infrastructure, light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology, subsurface stratigraphy, particle size and shape analysis, stream discharge, sediment flow, environmental geophysics

Related Research

Wind-energy planning, modeling of wildlife/wind energy conflicts, geographic information systems for acid mine drainage remediation planning, monitoring Beaver Run Reservoir, sedimentology, paleontology, structural geology and tectonics, hydrology, hydrogeology, environmental geophysics, mineralogical analysis

Shallow subsurface surveying, community education and survey training, social impacts of energy development, sustainable development in Appalachia

Department of Safety Sciences and Environmental Engineering

Energy Capabilities

Occupational safety and health, safety management, construction safety, environmental safety, workforce training, wind safety and manufacturing, and natural gas drilling (shallow and deep). Safety Sciences highly differentiates IUP for energy research and workforce training and can add a unique perspective to energy research design. Safety Sciences helps to secure the safety of all workers while also increasing the knowledge of federal, state, and local compliance and regulatory matters.

Expertise Areas

Occupational safety and health; industrial hygiene; systems safety; legal aspects of safety, health, and environmental regulations; fire safety; safety management; ergonomics; construction safety; environmental safety; hazardous materials; emergency preparedness

Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics

Energy Capabilities

Water-quality testing

Related Research

Investigating the effects of acid mine drainage and Marcellus Shale wells on water quality

Energy Research Capabilities

Computation of material properties and modeling of modern multijunction solar cells using silicon and novel III-N semiconductor materials. Experimental measurement of electric, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of materials and novel devices.

Related Research

Actively pursuing air quality measurements in the vicinity of conventional and unconventional natural gas wells at Beaver Run Reservoir in Westmoreland County, PA. Investigating methods for finding and assessing fugitive natural gas emissions from abandoned wells as part of a Dominion 2014 Higher Educational Partnership grant.

Department of Biology

Energy Research Capabilities

Forestry and wildlife ecology, including wildlife conservation, habitat management, impacts of human disturbance on biodiversity, and ecosystem carbon cycling

Related Research

Forest reclamation, wildlife ecology and conservation, habitat management and restoration, wildlife-habitat relationships, large mammal restoration, small population biology