How to find the ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) Citation and Detail for the item you are purchasing:

Step 1: Find the ECCN Citation for your item using the Commerce Control Alphabetical Index:

Go to

Hover over the Regulations tab to display the menu

Left click on Commerce Control List Index

Left click on Open to access the Adobe file

Look up your ECCN Citation (i.e. Index Number) based on the Description matching your item

Write down the ECCN Citation

Step 2: Find the ECCN Detail for the item you are purchasing:

Go to

Hover over the Regulations tab to display the menu

Left click on Commerce Control List

Left click on the Commerce Control List Category as indicated by the ECCN Citation. This is the first digit of your ECCN Citation number (e.g., ECCN Citation 6A203.b.2 is in Category 6.)

Left click on Open to access the Adobe file

Search the document for the description of your item. (Press Ctrl F to open the search feature or follow the citation to the appropriate description.)

Step 3: Review the technical specifications for the item listed under ECCN Citation.

If the description properly matches your item you have found your item's ECCN.

If the description does not properly match your item then the ECCN Citation is incorrect. Go back to Step 1 and locate an alternative ECCN Citation. Repeat each Step until a correct ECCN Citation is identified.