Plan representatives are available for appointments with employees by phone or email.

Detailed information on the Pennsylvania State System is available on the State System website.


You can meet with Chad Firmstone from 9-4pm on campus on the following dates:

  • February 26, 2025: Eberly 201 Conference Room
  • March 20, 2025: Eberly 201 Conference Room
  • April 22, 2025: Schuylkill Room in the HUB
  • May 15: Schuylkill Room in the HUB
  • June 17: Eberly 201 Conference Room

Register for sessions online  or call 1-800-732-8353, weekdays 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. (EST)

Chad Firmstone is available for counseling sessions or answering questions by phone or email or by scheduling a virtual appointment.

  • Scroll down to the section titled "Discuss your financial situation with a TIAA Consultant." 
  • Select the option for Your Employer on the left.
  • Under employer, select PA State System.
  • Browse through different dates and times to find a suitable date/time.

You can also schedule an appointment by contacting the TIAA scheduling center at 877-209-3136 or at 412-365-3012 or contact Chad at

Fidelity Investments

George Maccarelli from Fidelity Investments is available for counseling sessions or to answer questions by phone, 1-800-642-7131, or by email at

Employees interested in a one-to-one virtual or phone meeting with George, please follow these simple steps:

  • For Webinars or for counseling, Navigate to the Fidelity scheduling site.
  • Click on Schedule a time to meet.
  • Enter the employer, "Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education"
  • Choose the type of appointment, Virtual or Phone.
  • Choose the date and time that works best for you.

Virtual dates available are: January 31, 2025, February 24, 2025 and March 20, 2025.

He will be on campus March 4, 2025 from 9-4:30pm in the Schuylkill room in the HUB.

Noon Webinars:

January 31-Basics of How and When to Claim Social Security

February 24-Navigating Market Volatility

March 20-Making the Most of Your Retirement Savings


State Employees' Retirement System (SERS)

Heidi Barnett from SERS is available for counseling sessions or to answer questions by phone or email.

Heidi services other state agencies so the appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact her directly at 800-633-5461, ext. 3205, or by email at

SERS Guide for Retiring Members
(Note: The REHP information in this handbook does not apply to faculty, coaches, managers, OPEIU, SCUPA, or SPFPA employees considering retirement.)

Public School Employees' Retirement System (PSERS)

Anyone planning on retiring in the current academic year should review the information on the PSERS Retirement Planning website first. Six to nine months prior to your date of retirement, contact your PSERS regional office to schedule a session. PSERS also recommends that you attend a Foundations for your Future Program prior to attending the Exit Counseling Session.

Empower Retirement Deferred Compensation Plan (457)