Activities and documentation that can be used with Assignments in D2L.

D2L documentation on the Assignment Tool.

D2L has provided documentation and video tutorials on the Assignment tool. On the D2L documentation page you will find the Documentation for the Assignment tool. The D2L assignment documents include Assignment Basics. This includes setting up assignments, file types supported, setting availability, and much more. There is also information on assessing assignment submissions and using Turnitin.

A video playlist for the Assignment tool includes creating submissions, using Turnitin, using restrictions, grading submissions, and more.

D2L Brightspace annotation feature.

D2L Brightspace now has an inline annotation feature in the Assignment tool. Using the Annotation Tool in D2L Brightspace allows you to annotate document submissions inside of your course without having to download anything.

Add Annotations to Student Submissions in D2L Assignments

Deleting a student's assignment submissions.

If your assignment is not set to accept multiple submissions, it is often necessary to delete the submission.

If you would like to delete a student's assignment submission attempt and allow them to re-submit, you can do so using the following steps:

  1. Log into D2L and go to the desired course.
  2. Click on Assignments from the Assessments drop-down menu.
  3. Identify the assignment in which you would like to delete a student's submissions.
  4. Click the little arrow that follows the assignment titled and select View Submissions.
  5. Once on the View Submissions page, scroll down and identify the student and their submission.
  6. Check the box next to the student's name and then click the Delete link or the trashcan icon located above the table of student names.
  7. Before the assignment is actually deleted, you will be asked to confirm your decision. Click the Yes button.
  8. Once the submission is deleted, the student will be able to re-submit the assignment as long as the End Date has not yet expired.

Creating Rubrics

How can I create an Analytic Rubric?

An Analytic Rubric is a two-dimensional rubric with levels of achievement as columns and assessment criteria as rows. It allows you to assess participants' achievements based on multiple criteria using a single rubric.

Instructors can create an analytic rubric using the D2L Create an Analytic Rubric video tutorial.

How can I create a Weighted Rubric?

Instructors can create a weighted using the D2L Create a Weighted Rubric video tutorial.

How can I create a Holistic Rubric?

Instructors can create a holistic rubric using the D2L Create a Holistic Rubric video tutorial.

Can I add a rubric to an existing activity?

Instructors can add a rubric to an existing by using the D2L Add a Rubric to an Existing Activity video tutorial.