Fall 2002
Dr. Mary Sadler
Director, Liberal Studies
Gordon 109
ext 7-5715 (MSADLER)
Dr. Carleen Zoni, Dean
College of Health and Human Services
Zink 216
ext 7-2555 (CZONI)
Dr. Brenda Carter, Dean
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
McElhaney 201
ext 7-5764 (BLCARTER)
Dr. Mary E. Swinker
Human Development and Environmental Studies Department (x 7-2336)
Ackerman 209
ext 7-3778 (SWINKER)
Dr. B. Gail Wilson
Communications Media (ext 7-2492)
Stouffer 121B
ext 7-3210 (BGWILSON)
Dr. Lawrence Feldman
Mathematics Department (ext 7-2608)
Stright 233
ext 7-4767 (LMFELDMN)
Dr. Frederick Slack
Management Department (ext 7-2535)
Eberly 308C
ext 7-2535 (FSLACK)
Dr. Caroll Young
Spanish and Classical Languages (ext 7-2325)
Sutton 455
Ext 7-5597 (CMYOUNG)
Dr. Eleanor Mannikka
Art Department
Sprowls 114
Ext 7-2530 (MANNIKKA)
Dr. Jerry Pickering
Biology Department
Weyandt 212A (JLPICKER)
Ext. 7-2356
Ms. Tara Warman
126 Whitmyre
Ms. Megan Dively
256 Whitmyre Hall
Ryan Rearick
Spring 2003
Dr. Mary Sadler
Director, Liberal Studies
Gordon 109
ext 7-5715 (MSADLER)
Dr. Carleen Zoni, Dean
College of Health and Human Services
Zink 216
ext 7-2555 (CZONI)
Dr. Brenda Carter, Dean
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
McElhaney 201
ext 7-5764 (BLCARTER)
Dr. Mary E. Swinker
Human Development and Environmental Studies Department (x 7-2336)
Ackerman 209
ext 7-3778 (SWINKER)
Dr. B. Gail Wilson
Communications Media (ext 7-2492)
Stouffer 121B
ext 7-3210 (BGWILSON)
Dr. Lawrence Feldman
Mathematics Department (ext 7-2608)
Stright 233
ext 7-4767 (LMFELDMN)
Dr. Frederick Slack
Management Department (ext 7-2535)
Eberly 308C
ext 7-2535 (FSLACK)
Dr. Caroll Young
Spanish and Classical Languages (ext 7-2325)
Sutton 455
Ext 7-5597 (CMYOUNG)
Dr. Eleanor Mannikka
Art Department
Sprowls 114
Ext 7-2530 (MANNIKKA)
Dr. James Myers
Mathematics Department
Stright 233 (JRMYERS)
Ext. 7-4764
Ms. Tara Warman
126 Whitmyre
Ms. Megan Dively
256 Whitmyre Hall