Manuscript Group (MG) collections represent archival resources donated by individuals, businesses, and organizations associated with the university, Indiana County, and Pennsylvania.
These diverse collections include correspondence, maps, newspaper articles, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, and speeches. Many collections are donated by individuals affiliated with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, including alumni, employees, presidents, and trustees. Manuscript Group Collection finding aids are accessible using the downloadable documents listed below.
View manuscript groups that can be transcribed or search vertical files. Additional collections donated by alumni can be found in Record Group 53 Memorabilia and Ephemera.
MG # | Collection Finding Aid | Inclusive Dates | Research Interests |
MG 1 | Effie L. Shields (1888-1921) Collection, Class of 1906 | 1918-1921 | Alumni, World War I, France, Canteen Hostess, Newspapers, Letters, and Memorabilia |
MG 2 | D. D. Patterson (1886-1966) Memorial Collection | 1881-1966 | History of Education in Indiana County, Photographs, Catalogs, and Diplomas |
MG 3 | Eunice McCloskey (1904-1983) Collection | 1940s-1983 | Artist, Author, Books, and Photographs |
MG 4 | Elsie Tucker Young (1918-2007) and Harry "Bud" Young (1925-2013) Collection | 1930s-2013 | Political Memorabilia, Freemasonry, Order of the Eastern Star, Civil War, World War II, Highway Rescue System and IUP Safety Demonstration |
MG 5 | Dr. George Swetnam (1904-1999) Collection | 1944-1967 | Journalist, Pennsylvania History, Folklore, Pittsburgh, Industrial Heritage, and Memorabilia |
MG 6 | State Senator Albert R. Pechan (1902-1969) Collection | 1961-1969 | State Senator, Board of Trustees, and university status for IUP |
MG 7 | Fausold Family Collection donated by Dr. Martin Luther Fausold (1921-2008) | 1888-2000s | Samuel Fausold (ISTC President), Diaries, Ledgers, Scrapbooks, Photographs, Genealogy, and Indiana County History |
MG 8 | Dr. Ralph E. Heiges (1905-1987) Collection | 1936-1969 | Social Studies Professor, Dean of Instruction, Acting ISTC President, Speeches, and Publications (see also Record Group 117 Social Studies Program) |
MG 9 | George L. Sanderson (1843-1908) Collection | 1871-1906 | Great-Grandson of American Revolution Scout Robert Covenhoven (1755-1846) and letter books of George L. Sanderson |
MG 10 | Dr. Joseph Michael Uhler (1881-1947) Papers | 1928-1964 | ISTC President, Education, Publications, Photographs, Scrapbooks, Speeches |
MG 11 | Dr. Albert J. Wahl (1909-1996) Papers | 1933-1953 | History Professor, Publications, Holmes Biography, Speeches |
MG 12 | Martha Oatman McSparrin Collection | 1884-1924 | School Teacher, Photographs, Certificates, and Autograph Book |
MG 13 | Ethyl V. Oxley Collection | 1920-1970 | Home Economics Professor, Newsletters, Photographs, Interview, and Richards House |
MG 14 | Manuscript Miscellany | 1826-1958 | Books, Authors, Politicians, and Institutions |
MG 15 | Clarence Stephenson (1919-2011) Collection | 1634-2010s | Indiana County Historian, Teacher, County History, Agriculture, Genealogy, Maps, Newspapers, and Marion Center, Pennsylvania |
MG 16 | Lois Lenski (1893-1974) Collection | 1931-1972 | Author and Illustrator of Children's Books, Articles, Photographs |
MG 17 | Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) Collection | 1897-1946 | American Celebrity, Author, Religion, and Social Movements |
MG 18 | United States Congressman John Phillips Saylor (1908-1973) Collection | 1945-1978 | U.S. House of Representatives, Environmentalism, Memorabilia, U.S. Presidents (FDR, JFK, LBJ, Nixon), Mining, and Scrapbooks |
MG 19 | Matthew John Walsh (1872-1961) Papers | 1854-1984 | Education, Dean of Instruction, Acting President, University History, Photographs, and Publications |
MG 20 | American Association of University Women | 1936-1993 | Societies, Women, Scrapbooks, Newspapers, and Reports |
MG 21 | Epsilon Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society | 1945-1965 | Societies, Education Fraternity, Scrapbooks, Constitutions, Conventions, Meeting Minutes, and Publications |
MG 22 | Dr. Willis E. Pratt (1906-1992) Collection | 1927-1966 | IUP President (1948-1968), Education, Diplomas, Awards, Biography, and World War II Scrapbooks |
MG 23 | John Rankin Sahli (1910-1976) and Betty McClane Sahli (1915-1996) Collection | 1873-1967 | History Professor, Commercial Retail Catalogs, Sheet Music, and the Underground Railroad Research; see Manuscript Group 58 |
MG 24 | Jane Leonard (1840-1924) Collection | 1870-1966 | Indiana State Normal School History, Professor, Women's Rights, Eulogy, and Memorabilia |
MG 25 | Papers of Robert Wilson and Dwight Sollberger | 1816-1842 | History, English Loyalist, King George, and Land Holdings |
MG 26 | UFO Club of IUP | 1957-1971 | Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), Sighting Reports, Publications |
MG 27 | J. David Truby Collection | 1960-2000s | Journalism Professor, Politics, Military, CIA, JFK Assassination, Central America, and Publications (see Record Group 112 Journalism and Public Relations) |
MG 28 | Indiana County Civil and Criminal Dockets | 1909-1955 | Office of the Magistrate and Justice of the Peace in Indiana County, Pennsylvania (contact the Courthouse) |
MG 29 | Robert F. Boerstler (1929-1987) Collection | 1860s-1970s | Alumni, Scrapbooks, Bicentennial and Civil War Memorabilia, and Collectible Pewter Figurines |
MG 30 | Local History Project: A Collection of Oral Histories | 1950-1999 | Oral History Interviews of IUP Professors, Staff, Administration, Alumni, and Indiana Residents |
MG 31 | Air Ship Patent Collection | 1844-1903 | Inventions of Air Balloons, Flying Machines, and Aerial Navigation Equipment |
MG 32 | Carrie Belle Parks Norton (1888-1980) Collection | 1928-1966 | English Teacher, Alumni Publications, Articles, Pennsylvania Curriculum Studies Bulletin, Educational Journals |
MG 33 | Miscellaneous Ledgers | 1821-1948 | Indiana Regional Tax, Business, and Personal Ledgers, and Minute Books |
MG 34 | Workingmen's Education and Social Club of St. Michael's | 1926-1973 | Societies, including UMWA Local 3648 St. Michael, Club Minutes, and Publications |
MG 35 | J. Neal Griffith (1904-1994) Autograph Collection | 1930s-1970s | Autographed celebrity postcards, programs, and photographs |
MG 36 | Indiana Color Slide Society | 1975-1986 | Photography, Newspapers, Meeting Minutes, and Competition Entries |
MG 37 | American Association of University Professors | 1963-1974 | Education, Bulletins, Meeting Minutes, and Reports about IUP |
MG 38 | Manuscript Miscellany | 1899-1954 | World War I, World War II, and Authors |
MG 39 | Committee to save John Sutton Hall | 1975-1983 | Historic Preservation of Campus Landmark, Scrapbook, Campus Buildings, Photographs, Correspondence |
MG 40 | John Brophy (1883-1963) Collection | 1930-1960s | CIO, AFL-CIO, Coal Mining, Unions, Eulogy, Photographs, and JFK |
MG 41 | Agnes Sligh Turnbull (1888-1982) Collection, Class of 1910 | 1910-1987 | Alumni, English Teacher, Author, Books, and Notebooks. |
MG 42 | Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Association | 1919-1954 | Coal Mining, Reports, and Meeting Minutes |
MG 43 | Leonard Abrams (1927-2013) Collection | 1958-1989 | Indiana Borough, Borough Council, and Meeting Minutes |
MG 44 | Records of the Indiana County Central Labor Council | 1975-1985 | AFL-CIO, Labor, Brochures, Reports, and Photographs |
MG 45 | Rosae Naugle Jaquish (1865-1962) Collection | 1865-1962 | Education, Teacher, Autograph Albums, and Tintype Photographs |
MG 46 | Records of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Local 459 | 1950-1987 | IBEW Local Labor Union, Meeting Minutes, Memorabilia, and Souvenirs |
MG 47 | Patton Clay Manufacturing Company | 1898-1902 | Labor, Pennsylvania Industry, Commemorative Book, Administrative Papers, and Invoices |
MG 48 | Indiana County Land Title Abstracts and Deeds | 1784-1885 | Land Titles, Deeds, and Abstracts for Real Estate in Indiana County, Pennsylvania (contact the Courthouse) |
MG 49 | Sylvester Garrett (1911-1996) Collection | 1949-1990s | Labor Arbitration Cases, Labor Law, U. S. Steel, and Business Papers |
MG 50 | Microfilm Master Collection | 1834-1979 | Newspapers, public use copies in IUP Libraries Serials Department |
MG 51 | Rochester and Pittsburgh (R&P) Coal Company Records | 1920-1978 | Coal Mining, Western Pennsylvania, Coal Culture Exhibit, Labor Unions, Ledgers, Real Estate, Maps, and Corporate Records; see Manuscript Group 94 |
MG 52 | United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) District 2 | 1945-1965 | Coal Mining, Labor Unions, Negotiation, Work Stoppages, and Black Lung; see Manuscript Group 40 |
MG 53 | John Ghizzoni (1892-1980) Papers | 1899-1964 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, UMWA Union, and Labor Leaders |
MG 54 | Monday Musical Club | 1938-1990 | Music, Societies, Scrapbooks, and Photographs |
MG 55 | Publications of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) | 1920-1972 | Coal Mining, Labor Union, Publications, and Reports |
MG 56 | Publications Miscellany | 1857-1985 | War World I, World War II, Popular Magazines, and Publications |
MG 57 | Alternative and Radical Publications | 1970s | Politics, Religion, Sociology, Non-Mainstream, Education, and Periodicals |
MG 58 | Dr. John R. Sahli (1910-1976) Papers | 1957-1974 | History Professor, Pennsylvania History, Maps, and Bibliographies; see Manuscript Group 23 |
MG 59 | Roy E. Furman (1901-1977) Papers | 1955-1959 | Politics, Lt. Governor, and Campaign Speeches |
MG 60 | Indiana Art Association (IAA) Collection | 1944-2020s | Societies, Art, Yearbooks, Newsletters, Meeting Minutes |
MG 61 | Gabriel Alexander (1910-2007) Collection | 1974-1988 | Attorney, Labor Arbitration Cases, Steel Industry, Collective Bargaining, and Corporations |
MG 62 | United Steel Workers of America (USWA) Local Union 1397 | 1950-1990 | Steel Industry, Mill History, and Labor Union; see Manuscript Group 92 |
MG 63 | Elizabeth Bain (1913-2002) Broadcasting Collection | 1959-1989 | Broadcasting, Business Women, Societies, Articles, Television, Radio, Media Relations, Publications |
MG 64 | Civil War Soldier Collection, American Civil War (1861-1865) | 1860s | Civil War, Pennsylvania, Diaries, Letters, Memoirs, Photographs, Artwork, and Personal Items; see Manuscript Group 136 and Manuscript Group 248 |
MG 65 | Bernice Gera (1931-1992) Collection | 1951-1980 | First Female Umpire in American Baseball, Women, and Indiana County, Pennsylvania |
MG 66 | United Mine Workers Of America (UMWA) District 5 | 1896-1984 | Coal Mining, Labor Union, Treasurer's Records, and Administrative Files; see Manuscript Group 181 |
MG 67 | United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) District 3 | 1896-1984 | Coal Mining and Labor Union in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania |
MG 68 | Pittsburgh Chapter of the Coal Mining Institute of America | 1974-1988 | Societies, Coal Mining, and Administrative Records |
MG 69 | Patrick Dolan (1858-1910) Collection | 1896-1910 | President (1896-1906) of Manuscript Group 66 United Mine Workers of American (UMWA) District 5 |
MG 70 | Commemorative Newspapers | 1800-2000s | Newspapers, Johnstown Floods, IUP, Regional, and National Events |
MG 71 | Coal Company Payroll Ledgers | 1916-1920 | Coal Mining, Payroll Records, Central and Western Pennsylvania |
MG 72 | Governor John S. Fisher (1867-1940) Collection, Class of 1886 | 1917-1936 | Alumni, Trustee, Education, Coal Mining, and 29th Governor of Pennsylvania (1927-1931) |
MG 73 | University Club of IUP | 1975-1978 | IUP Societies, Meeting Minutes, Financial Records, and Bylaws |
MG 74 | America's Industrial Heritage Project (HABS/HAER) | 1980-2000s | Pennsylvania, Photographs, Maps, History, Industry, and Geology |
MG 75 | Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission Records | 1980-2000s | Societies, Historic Districts, National Parks, Meeting Minutes, Photographs, and Southwest Pennsylvania History |
MG 76 | Folklife Division Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission | 1990s | Labor Union History, Education, Folk Life, Industry, Oral History Interviews, Photographs, Field Notes, and Cultural and Ethnic History in Pennsylvania |
MG 77 | United States Bureau of Mines | 1919-1983 | Coal Mining in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; Reports, and Publications (Report of the Bureau of Mines, Call Number HD 9547 .P4 A34) |
MG 78 | Dr. Donald J. Ballas (1930-1992) Collection | 1962-1990 | IUP Professor, Geography and Regional Planning, Research about Native Americans |
MG 79 | United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Local 617 Barnesboro, Pennsylvania | 1928-1956 | Coal Mining, Labor Union, Meeting Minutes, and Check Weighman sheets in Barnesboro, Pennsylvania; see Manuscript Group 235 |
MG 80 | Records of Kappa Delta Pi, Education Honor Society | 1928-1990 | Fraternal Societies, Education, Records, and Meeting Minutes |
MG 81 | Barnes and Tucker Coal Company | 1896-1970 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Reports, Photographs, and Payroll Ledgers |
MG 82 | Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union | 1914-1990 | Union, Labor, Publications, Newspapers, and Proceedings |
MG 83 | Penn Run and Russell Coal Company Employment Records | 1934-1937 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining and Employment Records |
MG 84 | Letters of Marion Spencer | 1912-1918 | Alumni, Professor, Letters, World War I, Events, Religion, Politics, and Fashion |
MG 85 | Shakespeare Club of Indiana, Pennsylvania | 1879-present | Literary Society, Meeting Minutes, Photographs, Scrapbooks, and Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 86 | Andrew Surma (1921-1990) Collection | 1969-1976 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Labor Unions, Black Lung Legislation, and Politics |
MG 87 | Indiana College Club Collection | 1918-1980 | Societies, Education, Meeting Minutes, and Records |
MG 88 | Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies (PCSS) Records | 1953-present | Pennsylvania Societies, Curriculum Planning, Education, Geography, and Conferences |
MG 89 | Lois V. Anderson (1920-2006) Collection | 1900s | Children's Literature, Genealogy, and Folk Dance |
MG 90 | Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Indiana County, Pennsylvania | 1965-1993 | YMCA, Indiana County, Volunteerism and Community Action Program (CAP) Guide for Indiana, Pennsylvania; see Manuscript Group 122 |
MG 91 | Joan Schrock Phillipi Papers | 1978-1990 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Women, Labor Union, Convention Materials, and Certificates |
MG 92 | Mike Stout Political History Files | 1940-1970s | Activism, Labor Unions, Steel Industry, Vietnam, and Publications; see Manuscript Group 62 |
MG 93 | Dr. James Kermit (J.K.) Stoner (1910-1995), Class of 1931 | 1936-1996 | Alumni, Business Professor, World War II, Kiwanis, Freemasonry, and Indiana Gazette |
MG 94 | Rochester and Pittsburgh (R&P) Coal Company Media Collection | 1900-1981 |
Coal Mining, Western Pennsylvania, Coal Culture Exhibit, Photographs, Interviews, see Manuscript Group 51 |
MG 95 | Ruth Marcus Jewish History Project | 1930-1990 | Societies (Hadassah), Jewish History, Scrapbooks, and Genealogy |
MG 96 | John R. Pancella Collection | 1949-1953 | 1953 Sesquicentennial Celebration and Homecoming in Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 97 | Dr. Dale Landon Collection | 1883-1972 | History Professor, IUP History, Memorabilia, and Scrapbooks |
MG 98 | Florence Constantino (1900-1995) Collection | 1943-1999 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Strip Mining, Business and Tax Records, and Real Estate |
MG 99 | William H. Sylvis (1828-1869) Collection | 1828-1988 | Labor Unions, Societies, Iron Molders, AFL-CIO, and Publications |
MG 100 | Dr. Myron Joseph (1922-2014) Collection | 1964-1996 | Industrial Relations, Arbitration Decisions, and Labor Economics |
MG 101 | Daniel Shively Collection | 1808-present | Professor, IUP Libraries, U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, Genealogy, Philippines, and Travel |
MG 102 | Dr. John Merryman Collection | 1968-1995 | Education Professor, Societies, Articles, IUP History, and Teaching Materials |
MG 103 | Bernard J. Ganley (1921-1999) Collection | 1948-2004 | Alumni, Interim President, World War II, Sports, and Coaching |
MG 104 | Welfare Rights Organization | 1972-1975 | Welfare, Housing, Health Care, Reports, and Indiana County |
MG 105 | Dr. John D. Baker Papers | 1980s-2010s | Mathematics Professor, Lectures, and Presentations |
MG 106 | Edward Chaszar (1920-2011) Collection | 1899-1954 | Political Science, Education, Human Rights, Minorities, and Publications |
MG 107 | George B. Johnson Collection | 1966-1995 | Pennsylvania Canal Society, Publications, and research about Saltsburg, Pennsylvania |
MG 108 | Isabella Wilkinson Green (1904-1987) Collection. Class of 1927 | 1920s-2010s | Alumni and Teacher, Memorabilia, Home Economics Department, see also the Allenwood Restaurant |
MG 109 | Dr. Kevin Eisensmith Collection | 1970s-2020s | Trumpet Professor at IUP, Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance performances and recordings, see Record Group 33 |
MG 110 | Dr. Raymona Hull (1907-1997) Collection | 1948-1997 | English Professor, Literature, Scrapbook, and Newspapers |
MG 111 | L. Blaine Grube (1917-2010) Collection | 1898-1984 | Rochester & Pittsburgh (R&P) Employee, see Manuscript Group 51 and Manuscript Group 94, Reynoldsville and Fall Creek Railroad, Financial Records, and Coal Mining |
MG 112 | Wilmore Real Estate Company | 1890-1960s | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Real Estate, and Tax Records for Employee Housing |
MG 113 | Rosaly DeMaios Roffman Collection | 1950-present | English Professor, Myth Center, Poetry, Publications, Research, and M.C. Richards and George Orwell |
MG 114 | Ruby Maxwell (1891-1999) Collection | 1899-1954 | Alumni, Education, College Catalogs, Memorabilia, and Lessons Plans |
MG 115 | Dr. John F. Kadlubowski (1932-1999) Collection | 1932-1999 | History Professor, APSCUF, and Collective Bargaining Agreements |
MG 116 | Dr. Irwin Marcus (1935-2016) Collection | 1890s-2010s | History Professor, Coal Mining, Labor Union History, Social Justice, Lectures, and Publications |
MG 117 | Lott Family Collection | 1930s-1970s | Susan Lott Maul (Class of 1970), and parents Evelyn Koontz Lott (editor of student newspaper) and P.D. Lott (Class of 1937) see also Record Group 21 |
MG 118 | Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA) | 1950-present | Societies, Foreign Languages, Publications, and Education |
MG 119 | Society for Pennsylvania Archeology | 1920-present | Societies, Archeology, Native Americans, Files, and Publications |
MG 120 | Dr. Robert Alico Collection | 1975-1999 | Natural Sciences Professor, Research, Diseases, and Bacteria |
MG 121 | Dr. Thomas D. Goodrich Collection | 1930s-1990s | History Professor, APSCUF, Travel Abroad, and Correspondence |
MG 122 | William Lafranchi (1926-2020) Collection | 1953-2020 | IUP Libraries, YMCA Big Brother/Big Sister, Volunteerism, Travel (see Manuscript Group 90) |
MG 123 | Dr. Charles McCollester Broadside Collection | 1960-1970 | Professor, Labor Relations, Social Movements, Radicalism, Posters, and Publications |
MG 124 | Joseph Hajdu (1911-1985) and Martha Elizabeth Somerville Hajdu (1914-2000) Collection | 1931-1933 | Cresson TB Sanatorium, and High School Yearbooks and Photographs from Ebensburg and Cambria, Pennsylvania |
MG 125 | United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) District 4 | 1940-1990s | Coal Mining, Files, Grievances, Black Lung, Labor Union, Financial Records, and Publications |
MG 126 | Eli Rock (1915-2000) Collection | 1940-1999 | Labor Arbitration Cases, World War II, and Collective Bargaining |
MG 127 | Dr. Mildred Allen Beik (1943-2023) Collection | 1880s-2010s | Coal Mining, Strikes, Labor Unions, Immigration, National Slavonic Society, Interviews, and Windber, Pennsylvania |
MG 128 | Beulah Johns Brennen (1908-2004) Collection | 1897-1997 | Women in World War II, U. S. Army, Nursing, Diary, Memorabilia, Genealogy, Scrapbook |
MG 129 | Elinor Gordon Blair (1913-2015) Collection | 1880-2010s | ISNS, Photographs, Travel, Publications, Societies |
MG 130 | Logan R. Moorhead (1921-2017) Collection | 1500s-2010s | Genealogy, Civil War, Maps, Postcards, Indiana County History |
MG 131 | Dr. Larry Kroah and Ed Colker Collection | 1862-present | U. S. President Abraham Lincoln, Folios printed by Ed Colker, Exhibit Catalog, Maps, and the IUP Libraries |
MG 132 | Pittsburg & Shawmut Railroad Company Collection | 1920-1990s | Railroads, Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Employment, Real Estate, Tax, Labor, Reports, and Injuries |
MG 133 | Milton Bancroft (1866-1947) Collection | 1886-2010s | Artist, 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, World War I, YMCA |
MG 134 | Louise Bem Collection | 1950-1980s | IUP University Status in 1965, Research, and Interviews |
MG 135 | Newman Center Collection | 1968-1997 | Religious Life, Roman Catholic Societies (St. Jerome Guild) |
MG 136 | Dr. Earl Joseph Hunt (1928-2008) and Ann Salinger Hunt's Abraham Lincoln Collection | 1860-2000s | U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Memorabilia, and the American Civil War (see Manuscript Group 64) |
MG 137 | Dr. Maher Shawer Collection | 1950-present | Mathematics Professor, Rosetta Stone, Middle East, World Map, Egyptology, and Islamic Culture |
MG 138 | McKeage Lumber Collection | 1900-1940s | Lumber Industry, Employment, and Financial Records |
MG 139 | Chris Reese & Denise Weber's Coal Mining Collection | 1900s-present | Coal Mining, Eliza Furnace, interviews, and the company towns of Clanghorn, Dilltown, Vintondale, and Wehrum, Pennsylvania |
MG 140 | Eastern Orthodox Foundation | 1966-2006 | Religious Societies, Celebrations, Photographs, and Homeless Shelter |
MG 141 | Oscar W. Nestor (1889-1972) Collection | 1907-1979 | Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Company Store, Western Pennsylvania, Interviews |
MG 142 | Dr. Larry Kruckman Collection of Mascot Research | 1980-1990s | Research about the Mascots at IUP and Native Americans |
MG 143 | Dr. Ronald Juliette Collection of Indiana Photographers | 1900s-2000 | Journalism Professor, IUP History, research about photographers in Indiana County, Pennsylvania; see Record Group 112 |
MG 144 | Dr. Patricia Hilliard Robertson (1963-2001) Collection | 1985-2004 | Alumni, Astronaut, NASA Mission Specialist, Tributes, Media Releases |
MG 145 | Dr. Cecil Thomas Ault Collection | 1920s-1950s | Theater Professor, Popular Culture, Publications |
MG 146 | Dr. John W. Larner, Jr., Collection | 1950-1990s | History Professor, Teaching Materials, and Publications |
MG 147 | New Century Club Papers | 1901-2000s | Club was organized in 1901, bylaws and meeting minutes |
MG 148 | C. A. Hughes & Company | 1900s-2000s | Coal Mining, Ledgers, Maps, Photographs, Cambria County |
MG 149 | Oral History Interview Projects of the Women at IUP | 1978-present | Women's Advisory Council, Women's Studies, President's Commission on the Status of Women |
MG 150 | International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) | 1950s-1990s | ILGWU was founded in 1900. Collection includes Labor Union memorabilia and publications. |
MG 151 | Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Chapter C | 1926-present | Founded in Indiana, Pennsylvania in 1926, the collection includes meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks. |
MG 152 | World Religions Course Assignment about 9/11 | 2001-2002 | Religious Studies Professor Dr. James Gibson asked students to write about the 2001 terrorist attacks; see Record Group 139, visit Philosophy and Religious Studies |
MG 153 | Wilbur Coffman (1902-1982) Photograph Collection | 1920-1979 | Newspaper and Studio Photographer who lived in Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 154 | Louisa Lintner Coleman (1899-1992) Family Papers | 1888-1984 | Women's Diaries from a family in Blairsville, Pennsylvania |
MG 155 | Coach Charles Klausing (1925-2018) and Simmons Family Collection | 1964-1970 | IUP Football Coach Charles Klausing scrapbooks, Genealogy, Civil War and World War II memorabilia |
MG 156 | Ellen and MG Rodney Ruddock Collection | 1941-present | Alumni, Indiana County careers and education, Major General in the United States Army Reserves |
MG 157 | Dr. W. Barkley Butler Papers | 1967-2010 | Biology Professor, Courses, and Department Program Evaluation |
MG 158 | State Senator Patrick J. Stapleton, Jr. (1924-2001) Collection, Class of 1950 | 1940-2001 | Alumni, State Senator, Council of Trustees, IUP Libraries |
MG 159 | Jesse Wiggins Pritchard (1883-1960) Collection | 1889-1936 | Pennsylvania Railroad Employee (1903-1957), Scrapbooks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company (1889-1891) and the 1936 Flood in Pittsburgh |
MG 160 | Dr. Ruth Shirey (1942-2015) Memorial Collection | 1970-2010s | Alumni, Geography and Regional Planning Professor, Awards (see Record Group 106) |
MG 161 | Boy Scout Troop 1011 of Indiana, Pennsylvania | 1972-2010s | Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Awards, Photographs, and Scrapbooks |
MG 162 | Dr. C. Ruth Anderson (1921-2013) Papers | 1910s-2010s | Home Economics Professor; see Record Group 31 |
MG 163 | Fernand Fisel (1924-2010) Memorial Collection | 1939-2010 | Jewish Holocaust Survivor, World War Two, and French Professor at IUP |
MG 164 | John Busovicki Collection | 1941-1948 | Alumni, Mathematics Professor, Indiana County Historian, Coal Mining, and Clymer, Pennsylvania |
MG 165 | Ingleside Society of Indiana, Pennsylvania | 1882-present | Literary Society meetings, membership information, and photographs |
MG 166 | Dr. Donald S. McPherson Collection | 1967-2010s | Alumni, Professor in Employment and Labor Relations, and Labor Arbitration Cases |
MG 167 | Elayne Musial Busovicki Collection | 1890s-2010s | Alumni, Polish Heritage, Monessen Valley, Western Pennsylvania |
MG 168 | Samuel Richard Loboda (1916-1978) Collection, Class of 1936 | 1936-1978 | Alumni and U. S. Army Band Leader memorabilia |
MG 169 | Theodore Spewock Collection | 1960-2010s | Pennsylvania Coal Mining and Coal Miner in Westmoreland County |
MG 170 | Warren Allen (1946-1970) Memorial Collection, Class of 1968 | 1967-1968 | Alumni, Films of Music Department; see Manuscript Group 171 The Folkmen Collection and IUP Swing Out Productions in Record Group 68 IUP College of Fine Arts |
MG 171 | The Folkmen Collection | 1960s-2010s | Folk Music Band, Alumni, awards, scrapbooks, photographs; see Manuscript Group 170 |
MG 172 | Nancy and Steven Zellman Collection | 1939-1983 | Alumni, Indiana, Jimmy Stewart, advertising, and newspapers; see Manuscript Group 200 |
MG 173 | Glass Companies of Indiana, Pennsylvania | 1892-1931 | Glassware made in Indiana, Pennsylvania, including the Northwood, Dugan, and Diamond Glass Companies |
MG 174 | Anderson Family Collection | 1911-1980 | Alumni, Indiana Teacher Institute, Publications, and Football Programs |
MG 175 | Dr. Louis Sutton Collection | 1934-1984 | Alumni, Reunions, and IUP Cross Country and Track & Field Coach |
MG 176 | Dr. James Dougherty Collection | 1983-present | Alumni, Sociology Professor, Western Pennsylvania History, Coal Mining, Labor Unions, and Steel Industry |
MG 177 | Paul R. Hicks (1931-1985) Memorial Collection | 1959-2009 | Professor, IUP Libraries, Charles Darwin, Darwinism, Endowment Fund |
MG 178 | Pages from the Past | 2112 BC to 1909 | Assembled folios of original leaves from rare books and manuscripts |
MG 179 | Indiana County Office of Planning and Development | 2012-2014 | Indiana County, zoning, natural gas, residential planning, resource development, and strategic planning |
MG 180 | Edward Abbey (1927-1989) Collection | 1946-1997 | Author, college student writing, interviews, and commentaries |
MG 181 | Dr. Carl Rahkonen Collection | 1940s-2020s | IUP Music Librarian, Folk Music Research, and Audio/Visual Recordings, see also Record Group 33 and Record Group 60 |
MG 182 | Photographic Slides of Pennsylvania History | 1960s-1970s | Slides of Pennsylvania History, Culture, Transportation, and Industry |
MG 183 | Ella Jaquish Seanor (1895-1985) Collection | 1914-1972 | Alumni, ISNS, notebooks, photographs; see Manuscript Group 45 and Record Group 53 Box 5 |
MG 184 | Ida Mutzig Kiner Collection | 1890s | Alumni, ISNS, notebooks; see Record Group 53 Box 3 |
MG 185 | Francis Owen Lamberson (1906-2000) and Louise Stump Lamberson (1912-2001) Collection | 1925-2004 | Alumni, postcards, song book, memorabilia, Indiana High School, yearbooks, ISTC pillow, endowment; see Record Group 53 Box 43 |
MG 186 | Anita Malone Shaffer Collection, Class of 1954 | 1923-1990 | Alumni, ISNS, ISTC, photographs, publications, scrapbooks; see Record Group 53 Boxes 27-28 |
MG 187 | Dorothy Ramale Collection, Class of 1943 | 1939-1998 | Alumni, ISTC, newspapers, publications, correspondence; see Record Group 53 Box 29 |
MG 188 | Larry Buckwalter Collection, Class of 1968 | 1964-1968 | Alumni, ISNS and ISTC publications; see Record Group 53 Box 30 |
MG 189 | Gary Beuke Collection, Class of 1969 | 1965-2000s | Alumni Association, Newman Center, Photographs; see Record Group 53 Box 36 |
MG 190 | Edna Lee Sprowls (1879-1958) Collection | 1898-1928 | Sprowls Hall, Diplomas, advisor to Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority; see Record Group 53 Box 39 |
MG 191 | James C. Spera Collection, Class of 1979 | 1975-1979 | Alumni, student performances, scrapbooks, Commencement; see Record Group 53 Box 42 |
MG 192 | Eugene Seelye Collection, Class of 1956 | 1952-1956 | Alumni, Publications, Postcards, Photographs, Commencement; see Record Group 53 Box 45 |
MG 193 | Ruth Graham Werner Collection | 1933-1937 | Alumni, ISTC, Scrapbooks; see Record Group 53 Boxes 20-22 |
MG 194 | Mary George Collection | 1930s | Alumni, School Teacher in Whiskey Run, Pennsylvania; see Record Group 53 Box 23 |
MG 195 | Richard Reed Houk and Sarah Startzell Houk Collection | 1939-2002 | Alumni, ISTC, Memorabilia, Football Games, Band Publications; see Record Group 53 Box 24 |
MG 196 | Peggy McHenry Collection | 1907-1956 | Alumni, Publications, Indiana High School; see Record Group 53 Box 26 |
MG 197 | Dr. Walter Glenn Patterson (1906-1998) Collection, Class of 1927 | 1900s-1998 | Alumni, ISNS, Pennsylvania Coal Mining, Penn Relay Team, see 1925 Oak Yearbook, ISNS Track and Football Teams; see Record Group 53 Box 37 |
MG 198 | Mary Shelinski Collection, Class of 1975 | 1968-1975 | Alumni, Publications; see Record Group 53 Box 37 |
MG 199 | Paul and Jean Robinson Costo Collection, Class of 1960 | 1926-1960 | Alumni, Memorabilia including Freshman Dink; see Record Group 53 Box 37 |
MG 200 | Actor James Stewart (1908-1997) Collection | 1915-1983 | American actor, student at ISNS Model School in Wilson Hall, Honorary Degree, Convocation, autographs, Jimmy Stewart Museum |
MG 201 | Marilyn Proffitt Whiteside (1924-2009) Collection, Class of 1946 | 1939-1996 | Alumni, ISTC, Alumni Reunion, Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority; see Record Group 53 Box 37 |
MG 202 | Patrick Burns and Bernard Burns Collection | 1979-1984 | Alumni, IUP, Football and Basketball Programs and Memorabilia; see Record Group 53 Box 46 |
MG 203 | Lucius Waterman Robinson, Sr. (1855-1935) Family Photograph Collection | 1880-1947 | L. W. Robinson, Sr., President of Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company (R&P) see Manuscript Group 51 and Manuscript Group 94, coal mining, and horse farming |
MG 204 | Journalist Nellie Bly (1864-1922) Collection | 1864-1922 | Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, ISNS, Journalism, Armstrong County, Travel, Industrialist |
MG 205 | Dr. Orval Kipp (1904-1995) Collection, Art Department Faculty | 1922-1995 | Artist and Professor, Art Department Chair, Correspondence, Photographs; for more information, visit the IUP Department of Art and Design - IUP |
MG 206 | Dr. Edward Nardi Collection | 1974-2015 | Files, Photographs, Dean's Office, Record Group 17 College of Education and Educational Technology |
MG 207 | Isolde A. Henninger (1905-1984) Collection, IUP Department of Foreign Languages | 1930s-1980s | Professor of Spanish and German, IUP Unions; see Manuscript Group 37 AAUP, Record Group 49 APSUCF), Record Group 59 Phi Beta Kappa at IUP), and Record Group 113 IUP Department of Foreign Languages |
MG 208 | Dr. Charles Jackson Potter (1908-1990) Collection | 1948-1988 | President of Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company (see Manuscript Group 51 and Manuscript Group 94); and see Record Group 3 IUP Council of Trustees |
MG 209 | Helene Smith Collection | 1935-2015 | Western Pennsylvania History, Westmoreland County, Hanna's Town, MacDonald-Sward Publishing; see Manuscript Group 5 Dr. George Swetnam |
MG 210 | Collection of Gail Willard Pringle (1897-1981) and Ruth Foster Pringle (1899-1977), Class of 1919 | 1913-1981 | Alumni, ISNS Class of 1919, Teaching in Rocky Grove and Meadville, Pennsylvania, Wedding Dress, Memorabilia, and Freemasonry |
MG 211 | Business & Professional Women's Club of Indiana (BPW) |
1940-Present | Meeting Minutes, History, and Membership |
MG 212 | Gatti Family Collection | 1859-1966 | Indiana County, Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company, see Manuscript Group 51 and Manuscript Group 94 |
MG 213 | Neff Family Collection | 1926-1970 | Music Department, Monday Musical Club, see Manuscript Group 54, and Piano Recitals |
MG 214 | Cogswell Family Papers | 1852-2015 | Music Department, see Record Group 33, Hamlin and Dorothy Cogswell, and Eda Cogswell Otis. |
MG 215 | Indiana County Branches of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad | 1910s-1980s | Pennsylvania Coal Culture, Boroughs in Indiana County, Maps, and Railroads |
MG 216 | Mildred Irene Bottorf Jones (1916-1992), Class of 1975 | 1930s-1970s | Alumni, ISTC 1936 Certificate and IUP 1975 BSED, and Teacher in Pennsylvania and Virginia |
MG 217 | Mark "Arlo" LaRocca (1955-2013) Memorial Collection, Class of 1976 | 1974-1976 | Alumni, BS Journalism, IUP Centennial, Posters, Graphic Designer, Consultant and the LaRocca Group |
MG 218 | Timothy Rupert, Class of 1968 | 1775-1851 | Pennsylvania Land Grant Deeds for Westmoreland and Indiana Counties |
MG 219 | Pollution Solution, Inc. | 1971-1981 | Indiana County Recycling Center |
MG 220 | Building formerly known as the Pizza House | 1940s-1970s | Historic Building and Barclay Restaurant at 990 Oakland Avenue, Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 221 | Pennsylvania English | 1980s-present | Journal of the Pennsylvania College English Association |
MG 222 | Dr. Dorothy C. Vogel (1939-2016) Collection | 1969-2002 | IUP History Professor and Women's History |
MG 223 | Vertical Files | 1700s-present | Subject Files and Western Pennsylvania History |
MG 224 | Ida Tarbell (1857-1944) Collection | 1900s-2020s | Investigative Journalism and Muckraking |
MG 225 | PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning | 1992-present | Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education (PAACE) see Record Group 17 |
MG 226 | Sonya Stewart Collection |
1960-2000s | African American History in Indiana County including oral history interviews |
MG 227 | September 11, 2001 (9/11) Memorial Collection | 2001-present | Memorabilia, photographs, and publications associated with memorial programs |
MG 228 | Dr. Nancy Newkerk (1928-2017) Collection | 1900s-2010s | Student Affairs, IUP History, and photographs |
MG 229 | Dr. Barbara Balsiger (1927-2011) Collection | 1950s-1990s | University Museum, see Record Group 134 |
MG 230 | 1900s-present | Alumni, IUP History, and the history of Heilwood, Pennsylvania | |
MG 231 | Appalachian Professional Language Educators' Society (APPLES) |
1980s-present | Executive Board meetings, festivals, and foreign language events hosted by IUP; see Record Group 113 IUP Department of Foreign Languages; for more information, visit APPLES COLLABORATIVE |
MG 232 | Dr. Patrick Mikesell Collection | 1950s-1970s | Alumni, Keith Laboratory School, see Record Group 19 University School, Biology Professor at Radford University (Virginia) |
MG 233 | Pennsylvania Archaeological Council (PAC) | 1970s-present | Pennsylvania archaeology and research files about archaeological sites in the state; see Record Group 120 IUP Department of Anthropology, Geospatial and Earth Sciences |
MG 234 | Maria Dietz Royal Memorabilia Collection | 1890s-2010s | Popular culture and memorabilia associated with the British Royal Family of Queen Elizabeth II |
MG 235 | Barnesboro Justice of the Peace Collection | 1906-1940 | Ledgers from the Justice of the Peace in Barnesboro, Pennsylvania; see Manuscript Group 79 |
MG 236 | Malcolm Cowley Collection | 1898-1994 | Author, literary critic, IUP Honorary Degree, Native of Belsano, Cambria County, Pennsylvania |
MG 237 | Indiana Cares Campaign (ICC) to End Homophobia Collection | 2003-2017 | LGBT Film Festival in Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 238 | Indiana Garden Club | 1960s-present | Garden Club of Indiana, Pennsylvania |
MG 239 | Michael Hood Collection Drama Performance | 1890s-1980s | Dean of the IUP College of Fine Arts (1998-2018), see Record Group 68, publications about William Shakespeare performances and costume design |
MG 240 | Fred Rogers Collection | 1968-2001 | Native of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, television, Fred Rogers Center at Saint Vincent College |
MG 241 | L'dor v' Dor: The Leidman, Golub, and Shapo Family Collection | 1930s-present | Performances and reviews, and the professional papers of Dr. Mary Beth Leidman (Communications Media) |
MG 242 | League of Women Voters of Indiana County (LWVIC) | 1974-present | Women's Suffrage, Voting Campaigns, Indiana County, Scrapbooks, Photographs, and Newsletters |
MG 243 | Abraham Lenhart Family Collection | 1784-1928 | Family correspondence, legal and real estate documents and genealogy from Indiana County |
MG 244 | Mine Inspectors' Institute of America (MIIA) Collection | 1960s-1980s | Conference proceedings and institute records |
MG 245 | Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) Collection | 1980s-present | Conference proceedings and association records |
MG 246 | Jeannette Glass Company | 1920s-1960s | Glassware made in Jeannette, Pennsylvania |
MG 247 | Oakland Cemetery Records | 1840s-present | Lot Records; Cemetery on Oakland Avenue in Indiana, Pennsylvania; visit Oakland Cemetery |
MG 248 | Civil War Microfilm Collection American Civil War (1861-1865) | 1861-1865 | Microfilm of Pennsylvania Regiment Records (see also Mansucript Group 64: Civil War Soldier Collection) |
MG 249 | Dr. Charles Cashdollar Collection | 1960s-present | IUP History Professor, see Record Group 122 |
MG 250 | Dr. Daniel DiCicco (1926-2009) Collection | 1950s-2009 | IUP Music Professor, Conductor of University Bands, see Record Group 33 IUP Department of Music |
MG 251 | Dr. Ray Winstead Collection (see also Record Group 4) | 2007-2008 | IUP Biology Professor (1976-2013) collection includes construction photographs of the IUP Northern Suites |
MG 252 | James Watta Industrial Heritage and Labor History Collection | 1900s-present | Documentation about IUP Buildings and Grounds, Industrial Heritage Sites, and American Labor History |
MG 253 | Fritsky and Schwartz Family Collection | 1900s-1960s | Documents in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian from the Fritsky family who emigrated from Poland; and World War I documents of Alfred A. Schwartz (1894-1970). |
MG 254 | Harry Yakimovich (1921-1999) Collection | 1922-1999 | Mine Safety and the Rochester & Pittsburgh (R&P) Coal Company (see also Manuscript Group 51) |
MG 255 | Parker Family Collection | 1800s-present | African American family including abolitionist John P. Parker (1827-1900) who was enslaved, and his daughter Bianca Parker (1874-1930) who attended ISNS in 1892-1893 |
MG 256 | Anthony Lenzi (1931-2002) Collection | 1950s-2003 | Alumni, Lieutnant Colonel Anthony Lenzi graduated from ISTC in 1954, served in the United States Army until 1979, was Chairman of the IUP ROTC Program (Record Group 34), and first executive director of the Foundation for IUP (Record Group 66). |
MG 257 | Dr. Zachary Collins Collection | 2007-present | Performances including Zachary Collins, professor of tuba and euphonium in the IUP Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance (see also Record Group 33 Music; Record Group 111 IUP Dance Theater Program; and Record Group 135 Theatre, Dance, and Performance). |
MG 258 | Victor McGuire (1927-1984) Collection | 1940s-1980s | Victor McGuire served in the United States Army Military Police Corps (1945-1972) during World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. He was an Assistant Professor in the IUP Department of Criminology (1972-1984). |
MG 259 | Sank Family Papers about Charles, Pennsylvania | 1900s-2000s | Coal Mining memorabilia, documents, and photographs donated by the Sank Family about Charles, Pennsylvania |
MG 260 | Randy Jesick Collection | 1970s-2020s | IUP Public Relations, and the IUP Department of Journalism and Public Relations (see Record Group 112) |
MG 261 | Jack Benedict Collection | 1960s-2020s | IUP Sports Broadcasting and Recordings (see Record Group 32, Record Group 62, and Record Group 143) |
MG 262 | Ernest B. Lydick Collection | 1900s-1910s | Native of Indiana County and Pittsburgh song writer and composer in the early 1900's |