Distinguished University Professor
Eberly, 308-D
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Academic Background
- PhD, West Virginia University, Management - Strategy, 1982
- MBA, Marshall University, Physical Distribution 1978
Eberly Features Article
"A published writer of more than 200 articles and columns says he is still "trying to be a writer." After graduating from the University of Baghdad, Dr. Abbas Ali worked as an auditor for a couple of years before going to Marshall University for his MBA. His teaching career got its start after he earned his doctorate in Managerial Strategy. His love of writing also pushed him toward a career in education." (...Read More)
Noted Publications
- Sectarianism in Islam: Power, Tribalism, and Commercial Interests, Nova Science Publishers, August 2019
- Business Ethics in Islam. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, 2014
- Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Pearson Education
Edinburgh Gate, UK (with David and Al Aali), 2011 - Business and Management Environment in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and Opportunities for Multinational Corporations. London and New York: Routledge , 2008
- Islamic Perspectives on Management and Organization. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, 2005
- Globalization of Business: Practice and Theory. New York: Haworth Press, 2000
- The Impact of Innovation and Technology in the Global Marketplace (eds.), New York: Haworth Press 1994 (with Zahra)
- U.S. Foreign PolicyOptions: Strategies for the Middle East. Apollo: Closson Press, 1993 (with Hayward)
- How to Manage for International Competitiveness (Ed.), New York: Haworth Press, 1992
- International Business: Annotated Bibliography Monticello, IL, Vance Bibliographies, 1986 (with Cox and Bloomen).
Book Chapters
- "Islamic Ethics and Marketing." In zlem Sandkc and Gillian Rice (eds.), Handbook of Islamic Marketing. Edward Elgar, UK, 2011
- "Leadership in Islam." In Beverly Metcalfe (ed. 2011), Leadership Development in the Middle East, Edward Elgar
- "Globalization: where do we go from here?" In Fred Maidment (ed., 2010) Annual Editions: International Business16/e, Dubuque, IA.: McGraw-Hill
- "Talent Management in Middle East." In David Collings and Hugh Scullion (Eds, 2010), Global Talent Management. Routledge
- "Rethinking Competition." In Karl Moore and Louis Hebert (eds., 2008), Strategy and Globalization. Sage
- "Human Resource Management in Kuwait" In Pawan Budhwar and Kamel Mellahi (eds, 2006), Managing Human Resources in the Middle East, Routledge (with Al-Khazemi), 79-96.
- "Globalization is Beneficial to Society." In Louise Gerdes (ed) Globalization: Opposing ViewPoints (19-24). Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
- "Export Attitudes of Taiwanese Executives.' Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 16, (1/2), 2002. (with Lee & Camp). In Redern Kaynak (ed.), Strategic Global Marketing: Issues and Trends. New York Haworth Press, 2003.
- "Import Orientations for Jordanian-based Firms." In El-Said and Becker (eds). Management and International Business in Jordan. New York Haworth Press, 2001. (With Becker & Taiani).
- "The New Arab Manager: A Scenario." In El-Said and Becker (eds). Management and International Business in Jordan. New York Haworth Press, 2001. (With Orife).
- "Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction." In El-Said and Becker (eds). Management and International Business in Jordan. New York Haworth Press, 2001. (With Sabri).
- "The Evolution of Work Ethic and Management Thought: An Islamic Perspective." In Sinha, Wilpert, and Kao (editors), Management and Cultures. Sage, 1999
- "Ethnocentrism and Universalism: Implications for International Business" in M. Gibbs (eds.) Internationalization of the Business Curriculum, International Business Press, 1994.
- "Suggestions for Research Themes in Management in the Arab World." The State of the Arts of Middle East Studies. Du Centre d' Etudes et de Reherches Ottomanes, Zaghouan, Tunisia, 1994.
- "The Relationships between Managerial Decision Styles and Work Satisfaction," In E. Kaynak (ed.) International Business in the Middle East Walter de Gruyter, New York and Berlin, 1985.
Refereed Articles
- Marketing and Ethics: What Islamic Ethics Have Contributed and the Challenges Ahead, Journal of Business Ethics, 2014 (with Al Aali).
- Islamic Perspectives on Profit Maximization. Journal of Business Ethics, 2012 (with Al Aali and Alowaihan)
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Saudi Arabia. Middle East Policy, Vol.XIX (4), 2012 (with Al Aali)
- Conflict in strategic decision making: do setting and environment matters? International Journal of Conflict Management, (with Elbanna and Dayan), 2011
- Islamic Challenges to HR in Modern Organizations. Personnel Review, Vol. 39 (6), 2010
- Principles of employment relations in Islam: A normative view. Employment Relations. Vol. 32 (5), 2010 (With Syed Jawad)
- Consumerism and Ethical attitude: an empirical study. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 3 (1), 2010 (with Wisnieski).
- Managing MNC-Government Negotiations in Saudi Arabia: The Key Role of Elites. Journal of Promotion Management 2010.
- Does the individualist consume more? The Interplay of Ethics and Beliefs that Governs Consumerism across Cultures. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 47, 2009 (with Lee & Pant).
- Global Domination or Global Leadership: an analytical perspective. Journal of International Business Disciplines, Vol. 4 (1), 2009 (with Wisnieski).
- Organizing: Structure and Methodology" Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 14 (2), 2009.
- Conducting Business in Saudi Arabia: A Brief for International Managers, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Vol.28 (6)2009
- The Changing Role of the American Firm in a Global Economy. International Journal of Trade and GlobalMarkets, Vol.2 (2) 2009
- Islamic Perspectives on Leadership: a model. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 2 (2), 2009.
- Levels of Existence and Motivation in Islam. Journal of ManagementHistory, Vol. 15 (1), 2009.
- Islamic Work Ethic: A Critical Review. Cross-Cultural Management, Vol. 15 (1), 2008 (with Alowaihan).
- Islamic Work Ethic in Kuwait. Cross-Cultural Management, Vol.14(2),2007 (with Al-Khazemi).
- The concept of 'free agency' in monotheistic religions: Implications for global business. Journal of Business Ethics, (with Camp & Gibbs), Vol. 60 (1), 103-112.
- Post War Iraq: Understanding and Shaping the Forces of Positive Changes. Public Administration and Management, (with Nufrio), Vol. 10 (1), 29-56, 2005.
- The Kuwaiti Manager: Work Values and Orientations. Journal of Business Ethics, (with Al-Khazemi), Vol. 60 (1), 63-73, 2005.
- Individualism and Collectivism in Taiwan. Cross-Cultural Management, Vol.12(3),2005, 3-16 (with Lee, Hsieh & Krish).
- The Middle East Conflict: Perpetual Jihad. Public Administration and Management, Vol. 9 (1), 2004 (with Camp).
- Jihad in Monotheistic Religions: Implications for Business and Management. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 23 (12), 2003 (with Gibbs and Camp).
- Export Attitudes of Taiwanese Executives. Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 16, (1/2), 2002. (with Lee & Camp).
- "Factors influencing innovation and marketing of new products in Taiwan." Journal of Promotion Management, Vol. 8 (2), 2002 (with Lee & Camp).
- "Managerial Problems in Kuwait" Journal of Management Development, Vol. 21 (5), 2002 (with Al-khazemi).
- "The Iranian Manager: Work Values and Orientations." Journal of Business Ethics, 2002(with Amirshahi)
- Rationality in an Irrational World: a Scenario. Journal of International Sociology and Social Policy, Vol.21 (7), 2001 (with Gibbs).
- "Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction." Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 6 (1/2), 2001 (with Sabri).
- "Import Orientations for Jordanian-based Firms." Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 6 (1/2), 2001 (with Becker & Taiani).
- "The New Arab Manager: A Scenario." Journal of Transnational Management, Vol. 6 (1/2), 2001 (with Orife).
- "Human Resource Strategy: The Ten Commandments Perspective". Journal of International Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 20 (5/6) 2000 (with Camp & Gibbs).
- The Ten Commandments perspective on power and authority in organization. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol. 26 (4), 2000 (with Camp and Gibbs).
- Islamic work Ethic and Organizational development. Chinmaya Management Review.1999
- Economic Sanctions: Obstruction or Instrument for World Trade. Managerial Finance. Vol. 25 (3/4), 1999 (with Camp).
- Middle East Competitiveness in the 21st Century's Global Market. The Academy of Management Executive. Vol. 13 (10), 1999.
- Kuwaiti Managers " Perceptions of a Lack of Creativity. Middle East Business Review. 1998 (with Taqi & Camp).
- Foundations of Business Ethics in Contemporary Religious Thought: The 10th Commandments Perspective.International Journal of Social Economies, Vol. 25 (10) fall 1998 (with Gibbs).
- Kuwaiti Managers' Perceptions of the National Competitiveness.Competitiveness Review. Vol. 8 (2), 1998 ( with Taqi & Camp).
- Individualism, Collectivism, and Decision Styles. Journal of Social Psychology. 1997, 137 (5) (with Taqi & Krishnan).
- The Typology of the Arab Individual: Implications for Multinational Corporation. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 18 (11/12), 1998.
- Japanese, German, and American Global Business Leadership: Perceptions of Saudi and Expatriate Executives. Journal of TransnationalManagement Development. Vol. 2 (3), 1996 (with Al-Aali).
- Global Managers: Qualities for Effective Competition. International Journal of Manpower.Vol. 17 (6), 1996. (with Camp).
- Expatriate and National Managers' Work Loyalty and Attitude toward Risk. Journal of Psychology, Vol. 131 (3),1997 (With Krishnan and Azim).
- Organizational Development in the Arab World. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 15 (5), 1996.
- A Cross National Perspective on Managerial Problems in a Non-Western Country. Journal of Social Psychology. Vol.136 (2),1996 (with Azim).
- Globalization: The Discourse of Self-Delusion Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 3 (1),1995.
- The Future of Commodity Driven Societies in the New Global Economy. CompetitivenessReview, Vol. 5 (2), 1995. (With Chaubey & Camp).
- Work Ethic in the U.S. and Canada. Journal of Management Development. Vol. 14 (6), 1995 (with Falcone & Azim).
- Expatriates and Host Country Nationals: Managerial Values and Decision Styles. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal. Vol. 16 (6), 1995 (with Azim and Krishnan).
- Teaching Management in the Arab World: Confronting Illusions. International Journal of Education Management. Vol. 9 (2), 1995 (with Camp).
- MNCs and National Development: Across National Perspectives. Journal of Transnational Management Development, Vol. 1 (2), 1994 (with Azim).
- Managerial Value Systems in Morocco. International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol. 25 (3), 1995 (with Wahabi).
- Cultural Discontinuity and Arab Management Thought. International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol. 25 (3), 1995.
- Work Ethic and Loyalty in Canada. Journal of Social Psychology, 1995, Vol. 135(1) (with Azim).
- The Storm over NAFTA: Are regional trade pacts a healthy trend? Competitiveness Review, Vol. 4(2), 1994 (with Chaubey and Camp).
- Managing technology in Tomorrow's Global Markets. Journal of Euro-Marketing.Vol. 3, (3/4), 1994 (with Zahra).
- Ethnocentrism and Universalism: Implications for International Business. Journal of Teaching International Business, 1994 (with Krishnan).
- Managing Technology in a Changing Global Marketplace.Journal of Euro-marketing. Vol. 3 (3/4), 1994. (with Zahra).
- Work Loyalty and Individualism in the United States and Canada.International Journal of Manpower. (with Azim and Falcone), Vol. 14(6), 1993.
- "Competitiveness and Global Leadership" Competitiveness Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1993 (with Camp).
- Decision making Style, Individualism, and Attitude toward Risk of Arab Executives. International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol. 23, 3, 1993.
- The Relevancy of Firm Size and International Business Experience to Market Entry Strategies. Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 6, 4, 1992 (with Camp).
- The Islamic Work Ethic in Arabia. Journal of Psychology, Vol. 126 (5), 1992.
- "Competitiveness: No quick fix solutions." Competitiveness Review, Vol. 2(1), 1992 (with Camp).
- "Value Systems as Predictors of Managerial Decision Styles." International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 13(3), 1992 (with Schaupp).
- "Management Research Themes and Teaching in the Arab World." International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 6 (4), 1992.
- "Managerial Value Systems and Sector of Enterprises." International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 5 (2), 1992.
- "Cross-National Perspective on Strategic Behavior and Business Environment." International Journal of Management (with Al-Aali and Camp), Vol. 9 (2), 1992.
- "Joint Venture as a Form of Strategic Alliance." Journal of Global Marketing, Vol.5(2), 1991.
- "Changing Managerial Values in Saudi Arabia"Advances in International Comparative Management, Vol. 6, JAI Press, 1991. (With Al-Shakhis)
- "Expatriate and Saudi Managers' Perceptions of Japanese and U.S. Competitiveness: A Survey." Business Horizons, (with Al-Aali), Vol. 34(6), 1991.
- "Work Centrality and Individualism: a Cross-National Perspective," International Journal of Manpower(with Al-Shakhis and Nataraji). Vol. 12 (1), 1991.
- "U.S. Corporate Assessment of Joint Ventures in a Non-Western Country", Journal of Global Marketing(with Al-Aali), Vol. 5(2), 1991.
- "Firm Size and Export Behavior: Lessons from the Midwest." Journal of Small Business Management (with Swiercz), Vol. 29 (2), 1991.
- "Indian and Saudi Managers' Beliefs about Work" International Journal of Management, Vol. 8 (2), 1991 (with Nataraj).
- "Management Theory in a Transitional Society."International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol.20, 3, 1991.
- "Managerial Perspectives on Competitiveness of U.S. Companies: A Survey." International Journal of Management(with Albert), Vol. 7, 3, 1990.
- "Multi-nationals and the Host Arab Society: A Managerial Perspective." Leadership and Organization Development Journal(with Al-Shakhis), Vol. 10, 5, 1990.
- "A Comparative Study of Managerial Beliefs in the Arab State." Advances in International Comparative Management, Vol. 4, JAI Press, 1989.
- "Decision Style and Work Environment of Arab Executives: A Cross-National Study." International Study of Management and Organization, summer, 1989.
- Decision Style and Work Satisfaction of Arab Gulf Executives.International Studies of Management and Organization. Vol. 19 (2), 1989.
- "The Meaning of Work in Saudi Arabia." International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 10, 1, 1989 (with Al-Shakhis).
- "Work Centrality and Norms in India." Management ResearchNews, Vol. 12, 1, 1989.
- "Managerial Beliefs about Work in Two Arab States." Organizational Studies, Vol. 10, 2, 1989.
- "Contemporary Beliefs about Work of Saudi Arabian Managers." Issues in International Business, fall, 1988.
- "A Cross-National Perspective of Managerial Work Value Systems," Advances in International Comparative Management, Vol. 3, JAI Press, Inc. 1988.
- "Scaling of an Islamic Work Ethic." Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 128, 5, 1988.
- "Work Satisfactions and Decision Style in Saudi Arabia." Journal of South Asia and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. XII, No. 2. 1988.
- "Managerial Value Systems in Saudi Arabia and Mexico: An Empirical Cross-Cultural Investigation." International Journal of Management, Vol. 5 (1), 1988.
- "Management Perceptions of Qualities for International Success: An Empirical Study." International Journal of Management, Vol. 5, 3, 1988, (with R. Masters).
- "Value Systems as Predictors of Work Satisfaction of Arab Executives." International Journal of Manpower. No. 2, Vol. 5, 1987, 3-6.
- "The Locational Perceptions of Western Kansas Small Business Managers." Kansas Business Review, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1987. (With Camp and Kern).
- "A Hierarchy of Needs of Saudi School Administrators." Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 127, 2, 1987.
- "Problems and Skills in International Business: Tri-City Executives' Perspectives." SVSCEconomic and Business Review, (with Horn) Vol. 7, 1, 1986.
- "The Arab Executives: A Study in Values and Work Orientations." American-Arab Affairs, Winter, 1986-87.
- "Labor Immigration in the Arab Gulf States: Patterns, Trends and Problems." International Migration, Vol. 24, 3, 1986.
- "Public Managers: Are They Different? A Study of Managerial Belief Systems in Iraq." International Review of Administrative Sciences, March, 1986.
- "The Relationship between Managerial Decision Styles and Work Satisfaction." ManagementDecision, (with Swiercz) Vol. 23, 2, 1985.
- "An Empirical Investigation of Managerial Value Systems for Working in Saudi Arabia." Group and Organization Studies, (with Al-Shakhis) June, 1985.
- "Iraqi Managers' Beliefs about Work." Journal of Social Psychology, (with Schaupp) June, 1985.
- "Political Ideology and Social Class: Their Impact on Managerial Belief Systems in a Developing Country." International Social Science Review, Vol. 59, 1984.
Other Journal Articles
- Global Economic Challenges: the pressing and visible issues, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 23 (3), 2013
- Rethinking Work Ethics, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 23 (3), 2013
- Human Enhancements and Competitiveness, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 23 (2), 2013
- Cyberattacks: A Menace to Global Trade, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 23 (1), 2013
- Strategic Positioning and Leadership, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 231), 2013
- Corporations and national competitiveness, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 22 (4), 2012
- Economic sanctions: a menace to national competitiveness, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 22 (3), 2012
- Income inequality: where do business executives stand? International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22 (3), 2012
- Localnomics: myth or reality! International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22 (4), 2012
- Scandals and society well-being. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 20(1&2), 2012
- The Arab Spring and women entrepreneurs, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 22 (5), 2012
- Rethinking the future. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22 (1), 2012
- Preserving Democracy, Investing in the Future! Competitiveness Review, Vol. 22 (1), 2012.
- Intellectual Entrepreneurs and Emerging Markets, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21 (2), 2011.
- Competitiveness and National Policies, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21 (3), 2011.
- Organizational Culture and the Rise of "Made Men," Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 19 (1&2), 2011
- Corruption and Competitiveness, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21 (4), 2011.
- Sustaining national competitiveness, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21 (5), 2011.
- The Visionary Executive, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 21 (4), 2011
- The Return of Stahlhelm Corporations. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 21 (3), 2011
- Morality and Export, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 21 (2), 2011
- Economic prosperity and the private sector. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 21 (1), 2011
- Saving capitalism in an integrated world. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 21 (1), 2011.
- Economic sanctions and global logic, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 20 (5), 2010.
- Concentration of power: a peril to corporate integrity, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 20 (4), 2010.
- Changing the business landscape, avoiding minefields, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 20 (3), 2010
- Entrepreneurship and the failing states. CompetitivenessReview, Vol. 20 (3), 2010.
- The meaning of work in uncertain times, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 20 (2), 2010
- Is constructive competition possible? International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 20 (1), 2010
- The Erratic Executive, Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol.18 (1&2), 2010 Measuring societal well-being. CompetitivenessReview, Vol. 20 (1), 2010.
- Manager and diplomacy. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 19 (4), 2009.
- Emerging economies: asserting their power, CompetitivenessReview, Vol. 19 (5), 2009.
- Facing Elusive Global Economic Challenges. Competition Forum, Vol. 7 (1), 2009, 1-5.
- Business leadership. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 19 (3), 2009.
- Changing premises of globalization, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 19 (4), 2009.
- Rethinking Capitalism: Challenges and Possibilities. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 17 (1/2), 2009.
- The Age of Responsibility. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 19 (2), 2009.
- Economic Crisis' Illusionary Virtue. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 19 (3), 2009.
- The Spirited Executite. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 19 (1), 2009.
- Faith and Economy, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 19 (2), 2009.
- The Competent Executive, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 19 (1), 2009.
- Globalization: Where do we go from here? International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 18 (4), 2008.
- Managing Sociopolitical Issues. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 18 (4), 2008.
- The Tyrant Executive. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 16 (1/2), 2008.
- Rethinking business culture. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 18 (3), 2008.
- Globalization and labor movement. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 18 (2), 2008.
- National competitiveness in a changing world. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 18 (3), 2008.
- Corporate citizenship: from social responsibility to social responsiveness. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 18 (1), 2008.
- Consumerism: a peril or virtue! International Journal of Commerce and Management Vol.17(4). 2007
- Creative capitalism. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal Vol. 17(4), 2007.
- Corporate Citizenship and Sustainable Development, Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 15 (1&2), 2007
- The Sovereign Customer, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 17 (1 &2), 2007.
- Rethinking Competition. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 16 (3 &4), 2006.
- Securing Global Public Goods. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 16 (3/4), 2006.
- Profit Maximization and Capitalism. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 14 (1), 2006
- International Peace and the Business of Management Scholars. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 16 (2), 2006.
- China, looking after number One. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 16 (2), 2006
- The Spirited Intellectual. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 16 (1), 2006.
- In Defense of Angellism Free Trade. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 16 (1), 2006
- Trade and Growth. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 15 (3& 4), 2005.
- The Passionate Executive. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 15 (2), 2005.
- Foreign Direct Investment and Development. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 15 (1), 2005
- Trotsky on Capitalism. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 15 (1), 2005.
- Bad Management Theories: Mistaken Conclusion. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 13 (1), 2005
- In Defense of Intellectual Expression. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 14 (3/4), 2004.
- Hunger and Trade. Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 12 (1), 2004
- Job Outsourcing.International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 14 (1), 2004
- Business and World Politics. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 13 (3/4), 2003 (with Bharadwaji).
- From Economy to Militarization: The End of Nation State. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 13 (1), 2003
- The Failure in Cancun. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 13 (2), 2003.
- Flexible Ethics and Corporate Scandals. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 12 (2), 2002 (With Camp).
- The Virtue of the Liberating Spirit; Positive Response to Violence and Terrorism. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 12 (1), 2002 (With Nagendra).
- Global Anxiety: Militarization or Integration of the World Economy? Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 10 (1), 2002.
- In Defense of Globalization. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 11 (1), 2001.
- The Promise of Globalization Perspectives, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 11 (2), 2001
- Rethinking Competitiveness. Advances in Competitiveness Research. Vol. 8 (1), 2000.
- South Asia in the New Century. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 10 (2), 2000.
- From social Responsibility to Global compact: Toward Inclusion Policies and Responsive Business Operations. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 10 (2), 2000.
- Digital Divide: A challenge that must Be Faced. Advances in Competitiveness Research. Vol. 7 (1), 1999.
- Globalization: A Search for Sound Foundations. Advances in Competitiveness Research. Vol. 6 (1), 1999.
- Globalization: part IV. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 9 (2/3), 1999.
- Hegemony and Leadership: Are they different? International Journal of Commerce and Management. Vol. 9 (3/4), 1999.
- Keeping Faith in the Free Trade System. Competitiveness Review. Vol. 7 (1), 1997.
- Global Visionaries. Advances in Competitiveness Research. Vol. 5 (1), 1997
- Globalization: Part I. International Journal of Commerce and Management. Vol. 7 (2), 1997.
- Globalization: Part II. International Journal of Commerce and Management. Vol. 7 (3/4), 1997.
- Globalization: Part III. International Journal of Commerce and Management. Vol. 8 (2), 1998.
- Book Review, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing, (7th Edition), 1997. International Journal of Commerce and Management. Vol. 8 (2), 1998.
- Global Power and Influence. Advances in Competitiveness Research. Vol. 4 (1), 1996.
- Microsoft and the Justice Department: Can We Trust Market Forces? Competitiveness Review. Vol. 8 (2), 1998.
- Straight Talk: Trade is Not War. Competitiveness Review. Vol. 6 (2), 1996. (with Camp).
- Globalization: avoiding the backlash. Competitiveness Review. Vol. 6 (1), 1996
- A Lack of Creativity: Executives Speak Out. Management Research News. Vol. 19 Spring, 1997 (with Al-Aali).
- Looking Ahead: Avoiding a Trade War. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 5 (1), 1995
- Management in Sheiko- Capitalism System. International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol. 25 (3), 1995.
- The Necessity of Global Managers. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 4(1), 1994.
- Political Interests and the Clash of Civilizations.Competitiveness Review, Vol. 3, (2), 1993.
- The incompetent Crowd. Competitiveness Review, Vol. 3,(1), 1993.
- Islamic Work Ethic (HAPI Record). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Management Database Services, Mclean; VA: BRS Search Services, 1993.
- Individualism Scale. (HAPI Record). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Management Database Services Mclean; VA: BRS Search Services, 1993.
- "Commentary: A Moslem in a Christian Home." University Forum, winter, 1986.
- "Problems and Skills in International Business." Management Memo, Vol. 16, May, 1986.
- "Personal Value Systems: A Determinant of Managerial Practices in Iraq." Management Research News, Vol. 10, 1, 1987 (with D. Twomey).
Op-Eds in Popular Media
- The Gathering Storm over Iraq', Middle-east-online, (2014).
- What Should Maliki Tell Obama?', Middle-east-online,(2013).
- The Root of Iraqi Crisis and the Role of Neoconservatives', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper (20 March 2013).
- Rising Terrorism and the Crisis of Traditional Political Leadership', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper (4 August 2013).
- Obama's frightening Syrian policy', Intrepid report, (2013).
- Dr. Abbas J. Ali: Obama's perilous Syrian policy', Indiana Gazette, (2013).
- The Neoconservatives' Fear of a Peaceful Middle East', Middle-east-online, (2012).
- Syria: When Destruction is a Foreign Policy Objective', Middle-east-online, (2012).
- Political Immaturity and the Prospect for Positive Change in Iraq', Middle-east-online, (2012).
- Obama's Victory and the Future of the Middle East, Middle-east-online, (2012).
- Fomenting Chaos in Iraq', Middle-east-online, (2012).
- Extremism and Perpetual War in the Middle East', Middle-east-online,(2012).
- Courting Extremism; Playing with Fire', Middle-east-online,(2012).
- Can Maliki Survive Washington's Designs?', Middle-east-online,(2012).
- Attack on Gaza: The Offensive Depictions of Arabs', Middle-east-online,(2012).
- The Neoconservatives' Moment in Syria', Middle-east-online,(2011).
- Tehran, Washington's pressing target', Intrepid report, (2011).
- Revolution or a regime article by Aziz Syed Jasim angered Iraqi Authority', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper (19 January 2011).
- Occupational Forces Planning for Fragmenting Iraq', AzzamanArabic Daily Newspaper (12 June 2011).
- Obama's Misguided Lebanon Policy', Middle-east-online,(2011).
- Joe Biden and the Incapacitation of Iraq', Middle-east-online,(2011).
- Fifth column and the Gathering Storm', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper (2011).
- Bremer and his Role in Spreading Agricultural Disasters (Diseases)', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper (18 January 2011).
- Assad's Blunders in Dealing with the Arab Spring and Counter Revolution', Middle-east-online, (2011).
- The Thought Police Monopolizes Middle East Public Discourse', Middle-east-online,(2010).
- Patriotic or shared government!, Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper,(2010).
- Middle East Peace Negotiations: Schemers, Fools, and the Credulous', Middle-east-online, (13 October 2010).
- Conditions for Iraqi Economic Security', Azzaman Arabic Daily Newspaper,(2010).
- The Relentless King', Middle East Times, (12 February 2009).
- Maliki's challenge, Obama's opportunity', Online Journal: Daily News Source, (2009).
- Lebanon elections: A defeat of democratic order', Online Journal: Daily News Source, (2009).
- Al-Qaeda's Threat to Iraq: Obama's Challenge', Al Jazeerah,(2009).