The Office of Marketing and Communications is a team of professionals that span from writers and graphic designers to media experts and multimedia producers. We exist to unify IUP's voice and to build IUP's reputation among potential students, families, alumni, and the broader community.
We're dedicated to advancing the university, and we have a passion for marketing, creative communication, and accurate distribution of information.
Nikki Knox
Molly Russell
Joshua Hill
Kira Wertz
Design Team
John Ritter
Senior Designer
Brian Henry
Multimedia Producer
Jocelyn Randolph
Gavin Schucker
Writing Team
Matt Burglund
Elaine Smith
Digital Team
Jessica Groll
Bruce Dries
Eric Pinkerton
Video Team
William Hamilton
Emily Smith
Media Relations
Michelle Fryling
Executive Director of Communications and Media Relations
Sutton Hall, Rm. 315
412-309-1530 (cell)