Robert J. Ackerman, PhD
Families under stress produce adolescents who are under stress. This is especially true for families that experience alcohol and drug abuse problems, child abuse, spouse abuse, divorce, and other dysfunctional behaviors. Many of the young people from these families become at risk for a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. This workshop will address the emotional and behavioral impact on youth who become "high-risk" or "at-risk" for a variety of problems. Additionally, techniques for working with "resistant" adolescents will be included.
- List common emotional and behavioral problems for high risk adolescents.
- Apply systems theory and a developmental model for assessing differences in adolescents from high risk families.
- Demonstrate resistance in adolescents and related conduct and oppositional defiant behaviors.
- Discuss effective methods for working with adolescents in groups.
Target Audience: Clinical personnel, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, educators. Intermediate level. CE credits offered = 1.5 contact hours