All IUP String Project alumni, students, and teachers are invited to join us for the IUP String Project 20th Anniversary Concert. which will take place on Saturday, April 26 at 1:00 p.m. in Gorell Hall (second floor of Sutton Hall) on the IUP campus. T
he concert will feature solo and ensemble performances by IUP String Project students. A highlight of the concert is the world premiere of a new string orchestra work by Sims Guest Artist composer Roger Zare. This new work will be performed by IUP String Project students and teachers. A reception will follow the concert. The concert and reception are free and open to the public.
This program celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the IUP String Project. Founded in 2004 by IUP professor Linda Jennings, the program has provided a high-quality string music education program for hundreds of young string players over the past 20 years. In addition, the program has served as a teacher training program for over 70 IUP music students.
All alumni students and teachers are welcome to attend and participate in the IUP String Project 20th Anniversary Concert on April 26. For those who would like to participate, you can serve as an announcer for program pieces and/or play in the world premiere of the Zare piece. There will be an 11:00 a.m. rehearsal on Saturday, April 26 for the Zare piece for any who want to join.
This is also a great opportunity to compile a database of former and current IUP String Project teachers to stay connected and build a lasting community. Please fill out the String Project Concert attendance and database information form (scroll to the bottom and click "Next"). For any questions, please contact Linda Jennings at
Also taking place April 26-27
IUP String Jazz Jam w/ Stanley Chepaitis and Alex Price
Saturday, April 26 at 8:30 p.m.
Artist Hand in downtown Indiana
Come and join in a jazz jam session with IUP guitar professor Alex Price and IUP emeritus professor and violinist Stanley Chepaitis. Come to play or just listen and socialize. For more information contact Linda Jennings at
IUP Symphony Orchestra Alumni Concert
Sunday, April 27 at 2:00 p.m.
Fisher Hall on the IUP campus
The event will be led by IUP Director of Orchestral Studies Rebekah O'Brien. Rehearsals will take place on Saturday afternoon at 4 pm and Sunday morning at 10:00 am. You can register online or contact Rebekah O'Brien at