3.1 Regulation—Parking Permits
All persons desiring to park a vehicle on the IUP campus must register for a parking permit, except for vehicles bearing a disabled plate, DV plate, or a disabled placard. Permits are not required for parking at a pay-by-plate machine. Time must be purchased on the pay-by-space machine.
3.1.1 Penalty
Violation of this provision may result in a $15 fine and/or towing or booting of the vehicle at the owner’s expense. The vehicle may be booted or towed if there are ten or more violations of this provision per permit year. Parking in a reserved space may result in a $25 fine unless otherwise noted (e.g., Sutton Square reserved spaces are a $100 fine).
Ten (10) or more violations for parking without a permit during a permit year, September 1 to August 31, will result in the vehicle being booted, regardless of whether the fines have been paid or not.
3.2 Regulation—Parking Permits
Virtual parking permits will be issued by University Parking Services as follows:
- There shall be one virtual parking permit issued to personnel identified in Paragraph 2.1 for all vehicles. The vehicle’s license plate is the permit for the personnel. The virtual permit will be linked to the individual’s parking account.
- Permit holders are allowed to include up to eight (8) registered license plates on their virtual permit at a time.
- While individuals are allowed to put multiple vehicles on their virtual permit, only one vehicle designated to that permit is allowed to be parked on campus in the correct designated location.
- Vehicles will need to be parked so the license plate faces the drive lane. This will allow the license plate reader to view the license plate, which is considered the permit.
- Reserved spaces such as the Parking Garage will still be issued permits.
- If a permit is lost or stolen, it should be reported to University Parking Services, located in Clark Hall, immediately. A replacement fee of $10 will be charged. This fee will not be refundable.
3.3 Regulation—Parking Permits
The Parking Services Department will issue virtual permits to owners of vehicles according to their status. Permits shall be relinquished upon change of status or address change if boundaries are affected or the permit holder leaves the university.
- Commuter and work-study students who reside outside the boundary lines can find out if they are eligible for a commuter permit by logging in to MyIUP. Go to Discover, search for “parking,” and select the Parking and Transportation card. Once you are in the online parking account section, you can choose to view the map and see if you reside inside the boundary area. All students residing inside these boundary areas, including the Arch and the Verge complexes, will not receive commuter permits and are expected to walk or ride the Indiana Transit system to the university. All students residing outside these boundary lines can apply for commuter permits. However, students residing 75 miles or more from campus are not eligible to receive a commuter permit. Graduate students living within these boundary lines may be issued a commuter parking permit. Any exceptions to these boundary lines must be reviewed and approved by the Parking Authority Review Board before a permit is issued.
- Faculty: This group includes those persons defined in Paragraph 2.1A. Staff and students, graduate and undergraduate, are excluded from this group.
- If an automobile is needed for academic reasons, a resident parking permit will be issued upon approval of the Parking Authority Review Board. To be eligible, a student must be traveling off campus a minimum of three days a week. To apply for a resident permit, print the Academic Experience Application on the University Parking Services website and complete it. Once completed, please have the department chair sign the form and attach your class schedule to it. The form can be returned to IUP Parking Services on the first floor of Clark Hall.
Long-term resident students may receive free temporary parking permits for Robertshaw West Lot, Monday through Friday, during the first week of classes and the last week of final exams. This applies to the Fall and Spring semesters only.
Graduate students living in university housing may be issued resident parking permits. Any exception to this section must be submitted to the PARB for review and approval. - Staff: This group includes all persons who are defined in paragraph 2.1B.
- Vehicles with disabled plates, disabled veteran plates, or disabled placards will not require an IUP parking permit to park at the university. A temporary disabled permit may be issued for a maximum of 14 days while an application is made to PennDOT for a disabled plate or placard. A doctor’s letter is required to obtain a temporary IUP disabled permit.
- Visitor: All persons other than faculty and staff members and students who are on campus temporarily to conduct business or to visit members of the university community. Visitor groups requesting seven or more temporary parking permits will be issued permits for a specific parking lot and are expected to ride the bus to their meeting locations.
- Parking permits will not be issued to persons who have unpaid university parking violations.
3.4 Regulation—Parking Permit Misuse
Misuse of a parking permit is defined as using a parking permit obtained by submitting false information or omitting information to fraudulently obtain a permit.
Attempting to secure a permit with fraudulent information will result in charges being filed for giving false information to a police agency.
If two license plates that are registered to the same virtual permit are found on campus at the same time, the parking office may issue a citation to the permit holder. Drivers who have multiple offenses of this type risk losing their parking privileges.
Anyone misusing an IUP parking permit will be ticketed and or booted on the first offense.
Using a stolen parking permit to park on campus will result in having the vehicle booted, the permit confiscated, and charges brought against the offender for receiving stolen property.
Example: Giving a wrong address to obtain a permit, using another person’s permit, altering a permit in any manner, or failing to return a permit if your status changes.
3.4.1 Penalty—Misuse of the Permit
- The fine for misuse of a parking permit by theft will be $50, the maximum fine permitted, in addition to booting and replacement fees.
- The person to whom the permit is issued or the user shall lose parking privileges for one year from violation; furthermore, any re-issuance of the permit to the offender shall be determined by the Parking Authority Review Board.
- Using a stolen permit to park on campus will result in having the vehicle booted, the permit confiscated, and charges brought against the offender for receiving stolen property.
3.5 Regulation—No Parking Areas
No person shall park a vehicle attended or unattended at any time in any of the following places:
- In a loading zone, unless the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded and warning flashers are operating and the vehicle is not in the zone more than the posted time, unless authorized by University Parking Services.
- In any parking place other than that designated by the vehicle’s permit.
- In any area other than those regularly designated as parking spaces and which are marked by lines, markings, or signs.
- On or blocking a sidewalk.
- In a crosswalk.
- Within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant or in fire lanes.
- Within 30 feet of an intersection.
- In intersections.
- In such a manner as to impede the flow traffic.
- In restricted areas (posted by signs, yellow curbs, or hash lines).
- In any reserved space, unless the parking space is assigned to that individual. If the reserved-space owner wishes to let another use his/her reserved space, a temporary parking permit for that reserved space must be obtained from University Parking Services.
- In any disability-accessible parking space, unless the vehicle has the appropriate permit, placard, or registration plate.
- Exception: Any IUP maintenance vehicle, marked and identified as such, may be parked in a restricted area provided it does not block emergency access, impede the flow of traffic, or create any type of hazard. The vehicle may remain in the restricted space only for a short period of time.
- On or across lines that denote a legal parking space.
3.5.1 Penalty
Violations of disabled/handicapped parking may result in a minimum fine of $50 for the first violation and up to a maximum of $200 and booting or towing at owner’s expense for each violation. All other violations will result in a minimum fine of $15 up to a maximum fine of $100 and booting or towing at owner’s expense.
3.6 Regulation—Obstructed Plates
Any vehicle parked in violation of any parking regulation or parked in such a manner as to prevent the reading of a license registration number shall be ticketed and may be booted. Vehicles parked on the streets or in parking lots with one-way traffic shall park in the direction of the authorized flow of traffic.
3.6.1 Penalty
See paragraph 3.5.1
3.7 Regulation—Temporary Visitor Permit
Unless otherwise directed, visitors are required to park in pay-by-space or designated locations.
University-sponsored visitors must obtain a temporary parking permit showing the assigned parking location from one of the following:
- University Parking Services
- Departmental representative
IUP departments requesting temporary parking permits for their guests need to email parking-services@iup.edu with their request. The request must include the date the permits will be used and the number of permits needed. The parking location for the temporary permit will be determined by Parking Services. Once the permits have been processed, the requestor will receive an e-mail that the permits are ready for pick-up in the Parking Services office. Please give Parking Services ample time to process these requests. Last-minute requests might not be processed.
University-sponsored contractors, repair persons, salespersons, vendors, etc., must obtain a temporary permit from their point of contact within the university. The parking permit must be displayed on the inside rearview mirror, with the vehicle parked in an area designated by University Parking Services.
Participants of camps and conferences requiring group parking will park in an area designated by University Parking Services and may ride the InDigo bus to meeting sites for a fee.
3.7.1 Penalty
See Paragraph 3.5.1
3.8 Regulation—Parking
No vehicle shall be permitted to park on campus for longer than a maximum of 48 hours unless the custodian of the vehicle has made arrangements with University Police or the Parking Services Department.
3.8.1 Penalty
See Paragraph 3.5.1
3.9 Regulation—Pay-By-Space Parking
Pay-by-Space machines installed on campus will be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone using these machines shall pay for parking. A permit is not an exception to this regulation. The machines shall be subject to hourly enforcement.
3.9.1 Penalty
See Paragraph 3.5.1
3.10 Regulation—Fees
The fee structure for reserved parking, paid parking, and meter fees and time will be established by the president and approved by the Council of Trustees.
3.10.1 Fees—Reserved Spaces
Fee schedules for reserved spaces will be established on an annual basis. Fees scheduled for long-term parking will be established on an annual basis.
The fee schedules are contained in Appendix I.
The following locations will be posted “No Parking” from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., 365 days per year. The signs posted at the entrance of each lot will indicate the restricted times. Vehicles parked in these restricted areas will be ticketed and or towed at the owners’ expense
- Clark Lot
- Eleventh Street Lot
- Foster Lot
- HUB Parking Lot
- Parking Garage Spaces 315 - 425
- Pratt Drive (between Maple and Grant)
- Pratt Suites East
- Stadium Lot North A
- Stadium Lot North PBS B
- Stadium Lot North C
- Stadium Lot South
- Reschini Parking Lot
- Whitmyre Parking Lot
- Washington Street Lot
- Keith Lot
- SW Jack Co-Gen West Lot
- SW Jack Co-Gen East Lot
- SW Jack Co-Gen South Lot
- Eberly East lot
- Wallwork North Lot
- Wallwork South Lot
- Folger Lot
3.12 Unloading/Loading Zones
The unloading/loading areas around campus are posted and enforced as “Fifteen or Thirty Minute Loading Zones.” Flashers are required while parking in these areas.
These spaces are enforced 24/7.
3.13 Abandoned, Disabled Vehicles
Any vehicle broken down on campus may be issued a temporary parking permit to park for 24 hours if the vehicle is not in a reserved space or creating a hazard. The broken-down vehicle is expected to be removed within 24 hours. All persons parking on campus lots whose vehicles become disabled should report this to the IUP Police, located in Robertshaw. You will be required to fill out a disabled vehicle report at that time.
All abandoned vehicles will be processed through a salver.