The golden eagle pin denotes membership in the Golden Eagle Club.
Percent Completed: 18/22=82%
Dr. John Ackermann
Leah Bivins
Dr. Linda Dobbie
Robert Edwards
Dr. David Goodin
Dr. Rae Howard
Dr. R. Lynn Hummel
Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology
Bloomsburg University
Clearfield, PA
Thaddues Kiesnowski
Eric Kostic
Dr. Brian McDermott
Dr. Donna Messner
814-695-5659 Ext. 1125
Dr. Theodore Pappas
Dr. Kathy Perry
Dr. Carmine Pontillo
Dr. Michael Rowe
Dr. Brian Slamecka
Dr. James Smith
Dr. Mary Wolf
Dr. Katy Wolfrom
Dr. Tammy Wolicki
Coordinator of Elem. Ed. and Instruction
Fox Chapel Area SD
Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Ronald Yasher
Dr. Winnifred Younkin
Asst. Superintendent
Oley Valley SD
Oley, PA