The Faculty Professional Development Committee shall consist of 12 regular members and one select ex-officio member as follows:
- Six college representatives (one from each college)
- One faculty member from the Library
- One faculty member from the Division of Student Affairs
- The provost and vice president for Academic Affairs
- Two administrators
- The administrative representative to the state Faculty Professional Development Council
- The director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, ex-officio
Of the eight faculty representatives, one is appointed by APSCUF to serve as the faculty liaison to the state FPDC.
Term 2024–27
- College of Arts, Humanities, Media, and Public Affairs—Linda Jennings
- College of Education and Human Services—Lynanne Black
- College of Health Sciences—Meigan Robb
- Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics—Jana Villemain
- Eberly College of Business—Brandon Vick
- University College—Catherine Dugan
- Library—Harrison Wick
- Administrator 1—Sharon Procter
- Administrator 2—Tammy Manko
- Student Affairs—Shawna Smithbauer
- Provost's Representative—Holly Olexo
- Ex-Officio Member—Rachel Jackson, Center for Teaching Excellence
State FPDC Representatives
- Lynanne Black
- Sharon Procter