The Faculty Professional Development Committee shall consist of 12 regular members and one select ex-officio member as follows:

  1. Six college representatives (one from each college)
  2. One faculty member from the Library
  3. One faculty member from the Division of Student Affairs
  4. The provost and vice president for Academic Affairs
  5. Two administrators
  6. The administrative representative to the state Faculty Professional Development Council
  7. The director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, ex-officio

Of the eight faculty representatives, one is appointed by APSCUF to serve as the faculty liaison to the state FPDC.

Term 2024–27

  • College of Arts, Humanities, Media, and Public Affairs—Linda Jennings 
  • College of Education and Human Services—Lynanne Black
  • College of Health Sciences—Meigan Robb
  • Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics—Jana Villemain
  • Eberly College of Business—Brandon Vick
  • University College—Catherine Dugan
  • Library—Harrison Wick
  • Administrator 1—Sharon Procter
  • Administrator 2—Tammy Manko
  • Student Affairs—Shawna Smithbauer
  • Provost's Representative—Holly Olexo
  • Ex-Officio Member—Rachel Jackson, Center for Teaching Excellence

State FPDC Representatives

  • Lynanne Black
  • Sharon Procter