Recent News

IUP Students Selected for Competitive International Study Awards

Shanya Coshey, an Asian studies and anthropology double major from Manor, has been selected for a Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, and Dilan Dybus, an Asian studies major from Cresson, has been selected for a Freeman Asia Award. The scholarships will fund the students’ year-long study at Kansai Gaidai University in Hirakata, Japan.

IUP Secures $1 Million for Enhanced Collaboration with Japanese University

The University of Miyazaki, an IUP partner, has received $1 million from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology for a five-year collaboration that extends the current eight-week virtual English language instruction and an in-person experience at IUP for its students.

SMART Scholarship Program Solicitation for Vendor Proposals

Logistics Management Institute, in collaboration with the Department of Defense, is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to support outreach and awareness of the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation Scholarship-for-Service Program (referred to as the SMART Program) to rural populations to increase the diversity of the program.

Post-doctoral Fellow Position Available at US Army War College

A full-time post-doctoral fellow position is now open at the US Army War College in Carlisle Barracks, PA.

Keppich Takes Students to BEA in Vegas

In mid-April, a group of comm media students accompanied faculty member Stephanie Keppich to the 2024 Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention in Las Vegas.

Piwinsky and Students Work with Community

Comm Media faculty member Mark Piwinsky has been working with different student teams on various projects in the Indiana community.

IUP to Receive $149,998 to Support Undergraduate Students with Children through Parent Pathways Grant Program

Indiana University of Pennsylvania has received $149,998 from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to continue its work to support undergraduate parenting students.

Spring Finals Week Hours for Library, Tutoring, Food, De-Stressing Activities, and More

You’re heading into Finals Week and doing your best—to complete those last homework assignments, study for finals, and finish semester projects. We know it isn’t easy, and there’s a lot of hard work happening right now.

IUP Ali-Zaidi Award Nominee Selected for Scholarship

Erika Jackson, a senior psychology honors program major in Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Cook Honors College and IUP’s nominee for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s Ali-Zaidi Award, has been selected for a scholarship as IUP’s nominee by IUP Provost Lara Luetkehans.

2024 Scholars Forum

The Department of Finance and Economics is very pleased that numerous students participated in the nineteenth annual Scholars Forum held at the IUP KCAC on April 10, 2024. We wish to thank volunteer judges, faculty mentors, and the Scholars Forum planning committee who organized this event and gave of their own time and talent to afford our students this exceptional opportunity to participate in a professional conference atmosphere.