• CTC = Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Circle

  • DTC= Departmental Teaching Circle

  • SA = Summer Academy Teaching Circle
  • Table of current Teaching Circles. Table details if a Teaching Circle is DTC, CTC, SA, open or closed, a description, and name and contact information for facilitators.

Table of Current Teaching Circles
Type of Teaching Circle Open or Closed Name of Teaching Circle Goals of Teaching Circle Facilitator
CTC Closed Enhancing Learning of Students through Use of Interprofessional Simulation To facilitate learning opportunities for students through the use of simulation experiences.

Pao Ying Hsiao pyhsiao@iup.edu

CTC Open Teaching Writing in Any Discipline Discuss challenges and successes teaching writing in any class.

Bryna Siegel Finer

CTC Open Faculty Wellness Teaching Circle Read and discuss wellbeing related books.

Theresa McDevitt mcdevitt@iup.edu 

DTC Closed Learner Burnout: Mindful Approaches to Support Student Success 1) Explore sources of learner burnout in college students, 2) Identify mindful approaches to support student success, and 3) Implement changes in pedagogical practice to support student success.

Meigan Robb
