CTC = Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Circle
DTC= Departmental Teaching Circle
- SA = Summer Academy Teaching Circle
Table of current Teaching Circles. Table details if a Teaching Circle is DTC, CTC, SA, open or closed, a description, and name and contact information for facilitators.
Type of Teaching Circle | Open or Closed | Name of Teaching Circle | Goals of Teaching Circle | Facilitator |
CTC | Closed | Enhancing Learning of Students through Use of Interprofessional Simulation | To facilitate learning opportunities for students through the use of simulation experiences. | Pao Ying Hsiao pyhsiao@iup.edu |
CTC | Open | Teaching Writing in Any Discipline | Discuss challenges and successes teaching writing in any class. | Bryna Siegel Finer brynasf@iup.edu |
CTC | Open | Faculty Wellness Teaching Circle | Read and discuss wellbeing-related books. | Theresa McDevitt mcdevitt@iup.edu |
DTC | Closed | Learner Burnout: Mindful Approaches to Support Student Success | 1) Explore sources of learner burnout in college students, 2) Identify mindful approaches to support student success, and 3) Implement changes in pedagogical practice to support student success. | Meigan Robb mrobb@iup.edu |
DTC | Closed | GTD Teaching Circle | The goal of this teaching circle is to study how to apply time management strategies to faculty teaching and work. | Gian Pagnucci pagnucci@iup.edu |
DTC | Closed | Improving Student Feedback | Review/determine best practice of providing feedback to students. | Janis Barner jbarner@iup.edu |
CTC | Closed | Writing Group | Support each other in consistently devoting time to scholarship. | Kelli Jo Kerry-Moran kjkmoran@iup.edu |
CTC | Closed | AI and the Humanities | To discuss the use of AI in Humanities fields, both for research and instruction. | Scott Moore rsmoore@iup.edu |
DTC | Closed | Faculty Development and Wellness | Explore faculty roles and opportunities for faculty development. Identify wellness strategies to incorporate into faculty role. Apply faculty development strategies to assist colleagues in developing in their faculty role. | Kristy S. Chunta kchunta@iup.edu |