Agnes Scott College — Agnes Scott College, a liberal arts college for women, originated in the faith and vision of a small group of Presbyterians in Decatur, Ga.
Artemis Guide to Women's Studies in the U.S. — Here you can link to most women's studies programs in the U.S. Keep in mind that only those programs with websites will be listed.
Brown University, The Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women: Women's Studies Concentration — The concentration is organized around a focus determined by the student. Students may look at large questions such as women and health; the acculturation of gender, race, and ethnicity through education; women and the question of human rights in the third world; the representation of women in history; and the representation of sexual difference in literature. Within such large topics, the student then formulates a set of questions that both narrow and sharpen the focus.
Mississippi State University — Women's Studies Program and Resource Center
Northern Arizona University — The Women's Studies Program at Northern Arizona University exists in order to promote women's studies scholarship and feminist scholars, both faculty and students.
Ohio University — We envision the Women's Studies Program to be a campus intellectual center for gender scholarship, teaching, and creative work, which will represent vigorously women's issues and feminist concerns to the university at large and the community beyond and which will work toward enhancing the status of women in both university and community settings.
Texas Woman's University — Texas Woman's University is the nation's largest comprehensive public university primarily for women. TWU provides high quality education in an empowering and affirming learning environment
University of Albany — The interdisciplinary faculty constitutes one of the strongest faculty in Women's Studies nationwide. The undergraduate program has been cited for excellence by the National Women's Studies Association for its long and successful history of innovative teaching structured around a student-facilitated course and a student-organized teaching collective.
University of California, Los Angeles: Center for the Study on Women — The UCLA Center for the Study of Women (CSW) is a nationally recognized center for research on women and gender.
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Women's Studies Homepage — Information on the university's Women Studies Program and women's studies in general, community and campus resources, and both internal and external links to resources on women's issues. This site has a lot more than the school's syllabi, such as lots of great links, including WMST-L, an e-mail discussion list.
University of Maryland, College Park — The Women's Studies at the University of Maryland is an interdisciplinary degree program designed to introduce students to the new scholarship about the social, political, and cultural experiences of women. The program offers an undergraduate major, undergraduate certificate, and graduate certificate and includes approximately fifty courses on women and promotes research about women across the disciplines. It also offers an interdisciplinary and integrative program of study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
University of New Mexico — We want to welcome all of you to the Women Studies program. Last year we were able to offer twenty-four courses in Women Studies during the Fall and Spring sessions and four during the Summer session. Our enrollments remain stable at about two hundred students per semester. We now have more than 150 minors enrolled in our program.
University of Wisconsin's Women and Science Program — The mission of the Women and Science Program is to attract and retain more women and minority students in science, mathematics, and engineering by promoting systemic change in the ways that science and science education are regarded and carried out within the University of Wisconsin System.
Women's Studies Programs, Departments, and Research Centers — Links to more than 450 women's studies (including gender studies) programs, departments, and research centers around the world that have websites.