Writing Center Seeks Tutors for 2025–26 Academic Year
The Jones White Writing Center is recruiting undergraduate and graduate tutors for 2025–26. The position is open to students from all majors.
Get your creative juices flowing at the IUP Writing Center. Tutors are here to help you with your papers and presentations.
The Writing Center will be closed during IUP’s Spring Break, March 9–16.
Appointments must be scheduled at least two hours in advance.
To schedule an appointment, please visit the MyIUP portal, go to Discover, and search for “writing center.” On the Academic Support card, select Writing Center: Schedule a Writing Tutorial.
Then, sign in with your user ID and password. If you are a first-time user, follow the steps on the landing page to create an account. Once you are signed in, you can access the calendar and schedule an appointment.
Appointments can be made online or e-tutoring formats.
Graduate Editing, iThenticate, and Formatting for Thesis/Dissertation Writers
These services are now provided by the Center for Scholarly Communication.
For master’s and doctoral students working on theses and dissertations.
Resources for FacultyHelp your students become better writers.
Online ServicesSchedule an appointment to work with a writing center tutor online.
TutoringImprove your writing with help from a tutor.
Incredibly helpful information covering the whole spectrum of writing.
Writing WorkshopsRegister your class or club for a workshop by filling out our online request form.
AboutRead about our mission statement and tutoring policies.
The Jones White Writing Center is recruiting undergraduate and graduate tutors for 2025–26. The position is open to students from all majors.
The IUP Writing Across the Curriculum program, Kathleen Jones White Writing Center, and IUP Libraries will host a virtual celebration of the National Day on Writing on Instagram the weekend of October 18-22!
The Kathleen Jones White Writing Center is proud to announce that two of our graduate tutors received graduate awards for their poster presentations at IUP’s spring 2024 Scholar’s Forum.
Consuela (Chela) G. Metzger, a nationally recognized and award-winning expert in the field of book conservation, will present “Old Books, New Ideas—Transformations of a Rare Book Conservator” on April 18 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Metzger’s presentation at IUP is part of IUP’s Big Ideas: Transformative Culture and the Professions.
Dana Lynn Driscoll (professor of English and director of the Jones White Writing Center) and Andrew Yim (composition and applied linguistics doctoral student, tutor in the Writing Center) have published a new article in an edited collection, titled “The Loss of We: An Empirical Investigation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Tutoring Experiences before and During the Pandemic.”