In Attendance: Balint, Blood, Brzycki, Chiarulli,Giever, Janosko, Kornfeld, Lenze, McDevitt, McElroy, McFerron, Mocek, O'Neil, Onyett, Pagnucci,Pankaj, Papakie, Sherwood, D.Smith, J. Smith, Woodland, Yuhas.
Excused: Asamoah, Branthoover, Kemp, Reed, Yost.
Absent: Dadson, Gillham, Van Wieren.
Guest: Cunningham.
Approval of Minutes
November11, 2009 Meeting
The minutes for the November 11, 2099 meeting were approved without changes.
Co-chairs Report:
Financial Report
Rick McFerron reported that the current balance in SAP is $26,788.09.
No changes in membership.
The Reading Rebooted exhibit, curated by ACPAC member Ken Sherwood and his graduate students, was held in Kipp Gallery. Many of the exhibits can still be viewed at this website:
Dr. Tim Mack, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, will be making a presentation titled "Pros and Cons of Online Learning." It will be held on December 11, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in the Eberly Auditorium.
Winter Session (Online courses held 28 Dec 09 through 15 Jan 10) enrollment now stands 1327. Close to 80 courses are being offered.
Documents from the OLC and other subcommittees have been linked to past minutes.
There will be a Web Focus Group session on December 16, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. in Delaney G-5.
JB Smith, working with other past ACPAC co-chairs, will function as a nominating committee and bring forward a list of candidates for the elected ACPAC co-chair. JB is serving his second and final year as co-chair. Theelection will be held at the May meeting.
Standing Reports:
Report from the Web Advisory Board(Pagnucci)
No report.
Report from Student Computing Subcommittee (McDevitt)
The original Civility 101 poster has been divided to create fourseparate posters. Thedraft posters wereshared with ACPAC for feedback. The subcommittee is continuing toreview the student survey conducted last year.
Report from the On-line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
A handout was distributed. (see report). The number of faculty engaged in Moodle continues to rise. Moodle boot-camps arescheduled for January 4th and 5th 2010. Internal e-mail in Moodle is an important issue that the committee would like escalated to the COD to be placed onto the ranked list. The following motion was passed:
ACPAC requests that the issue of lack of internal e-mail in Moodle be escalated to the Deans' Council for inclusion in the ranked list of projects. (motion: OLC; second: Chirulli).
There was discussion of the timing forimplementation of changes to Moodle. The following motion was passed:
ACPAC recommends that ACPAC projects on the IT Services project list be ranked quarterly (motion: OLC; second: Giever)
Report from the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Onyett)
No report.
Report from the Student Operations Group (Pankaj)
In an general effort to increase security of IUP computer passwords, the URSAPIN will expireevery 180 days.The maximum number of characterswill increase to 8 and will allow both Letters and numbers. The date for this changed has not yet been set.
Report from the DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)
The work group is involved in strategic planning for distance education. A SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats) analysis is being developed. A proposal for certifying instructorsforon-line teaching is being developed. It has been reported that APSCUF is opposed to certification and this issue may need to be presented toMeet and Discuss. There was significant discussion by ACPAC members regarding this issue.
Report from the CIO office (Balint)
IUP is undergoing a large efficiency study and IT Services has been asked to respond to questions as a part of this study.
The role of ACPAC in coordinating and reviewing technology issues and policies is recognized and appreciated.
Report from Funds Review Subcommittee (McFerron)
A meeting has been scheduled and a proposal will be presented at the January ACPAC meeting.
Report from the Virtual Environments Coordinating Committee (Lenze)
Jim Lenze is actingchair of the committee, pending elections as dictated by the bylaws. Thebylaws approved at the last ACPACmeeting are beginning to be implemented. The changes to the bylaws recommended by ACPAC were implemented. Discussions continue with the RI regarding purchase and renewal ofSecond Life islands.
Reports from the Action Teams:
E-mail Client EvaluationTeam -- Onyett, Co-convener
No report.
Training/Professional Development Team -- Pagnucci/Smith, Conveners
No report.
Student Pictures Team -- Smith, Convener
The letter from ACPAC on this matter was sent to the Provost. The cabinet has taken this issue under advisement.
Optical Test Scoring Team -- McElroy, Convener
A survey will be administered to instructors to get additional information about automated test scoring. There are four products that are being reviewed.
Digital Repository Team -- Sherwood, Convener
A report from the action team was distributed. Thereport outlines the needs and benefits of a digital repository and recommends the adoption of Fedora Commons. The following motion was passed:
ACPAC recommends the following in regard to a institutional digital repository:
- The creation and support of a university-wide, institutional repository using Fedora Commons.
- An IT Services project be initiated to implement Fedora Commons, configuring it in consultation with the ACPAC Digital Repository Action Team.
- The development of a service plan for ingest, collection coordination, and access control by the library, in consolation with the ACPAC Digital Repository Action Team. (motion: Action Team; second: Giever).
New Business:
External Account Creation (Cunningham)
Todd Cunningham explained that a process is now in place to create accounts for external users (see handout). This procedure will be be shared with the Academic Affairs Council and with A-deans. The office of Human Resources has a role in this process--entering external users into the system as"no-pay" employees.
ACPAC IT Services Project List
The list of ACPAC projects on the IT Services project list was provided in hardcopy (available here). These projects and the rankings will be discussed by ACPAC in the spring.
Old Business:
Office 2010
Review of Office 2010 will be deferred until next year.
Follow up: On-line Music Service
Access to the on-line music service acquired by Bill Hamilton can be pursued throughlibrary technology services.
IT Services Documentation Review
Gian Pagnucci and Ken Sherwood have begun a review of IT Services documentation. Additional feedback will be requested from the college technology committees and a summary will be provided to ACPAC in March, 2010.
Other Business:
PASSHE Blackboard
Bill Balint reports that PASSHE is still in the process of reviewing vendors of learning management systems. IUP would have the option to use one of the approved vendors once determined. The pilot for the learning content management system is still pending.
A report was sent to the President's cabinet that included anunqualified recommendation to purchase Degree Works, a qualified recommendation to purchaseLuminus and the Enrollment Management Suite, and a recommendation not to purchase the Advanced Reporting Suite.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:51p.m.
Next Meeting: January 20, 2010
Prepared by Rick McFerron with notes from Lynnan Mocek.