"When the learning is creative, the learning is deepened."
Through EITC, you can improve the quality of education in our region at no cost to you.
What Is It?
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit is a program of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania administered through the Department of Community and Economic Development that allows eligible businesses to apply tax credits against their tax liability for the year in which the contributions were made.

When Are the Deadlines?
Generally, it is best to apply no later than June 1 of each year. However, there are sometimes funds available at other times. And, it's never too early to get started.
Who Can Participate?
Businesses authorized to operate in Pennsylvania and that are subject to one or more of the following taxes may participate: Corporate Net Income, Capital Stock Franchise, Bank and Trust Company Shares, Title Insurance Companies Shares, Insurance Premiums, Mutual Thrift Institution, Insurance Company Law of 1921, and Personal Income Tax of S Corporation shareholders or partnership partners.
How Much Tax Credit Can I Receive?
A business may receive 75 percent of its contribution up to a maximum of $750,000 per taxable year if participating for one year, or 90 percent if agreeing to participate for two consecutive tax years.
Why Should I Contribute?
There are two primary reasons to participate in the EITC program. First, it benefits the business by lowering its tax liability. Second, and at no additional cost, it allows the business to support approved nonprofit organizations in its communities and region that work to bring additional and innovative educational opportunities to elementary and secondary students.
To Whom Can I Contribute?
Any nonprofit organization who has been approved by the state, such as ArtsPath, may receive these funds provided it contributes at least 80 percent of its annual EITC receipts as grants to public, charter, or private schools for innovative educational programs that meet the state and program requirements.

Why Contribute to the Foundation for IUP and the Lively Arts/ArtsPath?
The arts contribute immeasurably to the quality of life enjoyed by the citizens of Pennsylvania and should be part of a quality education for every child. Through Lively Arts educational outreach, students have the opportunity to hear and see world-class performing artists live, interact with them, ask questions, and learn from them in a masterclass or workshop situation. ArtsPath also works to place high-quality professionally active visual, performing, media, and literary artists in educational settings for extended residency activities. Each residency is tailored to meet all state and federal curriculum standards of the subject and gives each student the opportunity to integrate that learning with the artistic discipline of the artist.
For Additional Information, please contact:
- Anthony Cancro, Development Officer, College of Fine Arts: 724-357-2380 or Anthony.Cancro@iup.edu
- Jeff Wacker, Arts-in-Education Services Coordinator, Lively Arts: 724-357-4565 or jwacker@iup.edu
- Hank Knerr, Executive Director, Lively Arts: 724-357-2787 or Hank.Knerr@iup.edu
How Do I Apply?
Give us a call or e-mail one of us, and we will have someone walk you through the process. Further information is on the newPA website.