What Were You Wearing? Tell Your Story
Are you a survivor of sexual assault? Share your story to be added to the “What Were You Wearing?” exhibit, which will displayed in April for Sexual Violence Awareness Month.
Are you a survivor of sexual assault? Share your story to be added to the “What Were You Wearing?” exhibit, which will displayed in April for Sexual Violence Awareness Month.
Mark your calendar: Take Back the Night 2025 is on Wednesday, April 9. Get involved and let your voice be heard.
Looking for a job and want to make a difference in the community? The Haven Project is looking to add to their team.
This exhibit honors the men, women, and children who have lost their lives to domestic violence.
Join us for a day of Awareness, Empowerment, and Encouragement all on the topic of sexual violence.
Attention IUP employees! Don't miss your chance to be Green Dot trained.
You are invited to view this powerful and emotional display which is dedicated to dispelling the myth that survivors provoke their assault based on how they were dressed.
Survivors of sexual assault, relationship abuse, and gender-based violence are invited to come and design a shirt, which will be anonymously displayed as part of Take Back the Night.
Do you have a story you want to share to add to the "What Were You Wearing?" exhibit? Our aim is to promote awareness about sexual violence and to combat victim-blaming.
Come to one of the trainings being offered to be eligible to volunteer at Take Back the Night and other events in April.
Join us and make a sign for the Take Back the Night march.
Join the Haven Project for our Green Dot Week of Action full of opportunities to get Green Dot trained and become an active bystander at IUP.
Attention IUP community! Mark your calendar for Take Back the Night 2024 on Wednesday, April 10.
Attention all students! Come and learn about all things Green Dot. If you do your small part, we can make a BIG difference.
This short film examines unhealthy relationship behaviors and the role social media can play.
Join us to learn about risk factors, warning signs, and prevention of Human Trafficking on college campuses.
Help us promote Green Dots all across campus.
Come and learn about Green Dot and be eligible to volunteer to promote Green Dots all across campus.
Students, are you creative and enjoy designing things? The Haven Project invites you to design a Green Dot-themed button and be eligible for a prize.
Learn to recognize unhealthy behaviors before they escalate into violence.
Attendees will be eligible to volunteer at tabling events in the month of February.
Not Green Dot trained yet? All students are invited to attend this training to learn how to make IUP safer, one Green Dot at a time.
Attention all IUP fraternity brothers! You are invited to join the conversation on sexual assault prevention.
Calling all commuters! This online presentation is designed to reach students who live off campus, but anyone is welcome to join.
Join us for fun and prizes with a game of Kahoot.