About the Language, Literature, and Writing Department Website
Our latest Web design follows the IUP campus standards. Additional enhancements, layout improvements, and other features were also developed by our current website team. It is our goal to make this site as user friendly and accurate as possible. If you would like to send any comments or questions that you have, please send an e-mail to someone from the current website team.
Current Website Director
Dr. Gian Pagnucci (1996–present)
The current website director has been working on this site since it was first launched in 1996. He oversees the site's development as a whole, approves text and data for uploading to the site, and works to ensure that new website managers do their job correctly and in a way that allows future managers to easily take over manager requirements.
Personal website
Email: pagnucci@iup.edu
Current Website Manager
Dr. Daniel J. Weinstein (2013–present)