3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101

Present: K. McKee, M. Hildebrandt, R. Pavloski, D. Pistole, T. Wacker C. Zoni

Excused: Y. Asamoah, F. Slack, M. Taddie, G. Wilson

1. Approve minutes of 8 April 2010 meeting- Zoni/Pavloski: passed 6/0/0.

2. The committee had questions about the FDNT 470/LBST 499 Course and will need to have
those questions answered first before considering it further.

3. Approve FIAR 101- Introduction to the Arts for the Liberal Studies Fine Arts category.
Zoni/Hildebrant 6/0/0.

4. The committee felt that Teaching Assistants should not be teaching LBST 499
courses and will make this recommendation to any department requesting this.

5. Discussion of the First Year Seminar language of whether to allow majors to be
required or not ensued. We will not be moving forward with the FYS at next week's
senate meeting and will discuss options for the fall at future meetings.

6. Special thanks was given to Kevin McKee for his excellent service over the past three
years. He will be missed.

Motion to adjourn: Pistole/McKee - Passed Unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.